What's so Special About
Santa Cruz in September?

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What's so special about Santa Cruz in September? It may just be the BEST month of any year to visit Santa Cruz de la Sierra. If you're planning to be here this month, these are ABSOLUTELY some of the pages you should be checking out on the site right now:

The city celebrates its foundation day on the 24th. Read about Santa Cruz, Bolivia's dynamic business and economic center. How did this town become the nation's largest city when just 50 years ago it was a small forgotten frontier town? See more about this gorgeous city on our Santa Cruz Home Page here and read what others have to say in our popular Santa Cruz Forum, where you can also add questions or your Santa Cruz travel stories and photos.

Accompanying this celebration are many, many events. In Santa Cruz in September, you'll find the city alight with color, festivities, dancing and music in public arenas. Restaurants offer some of the most traditional Eastern Bolivian dishes and live music, you can even enjoy an International Jazz Festival.

The FEXPO (Feria Exposicion) begins in mid September and attracts over a thousand exhibitors from all over the world. Several hundred thousand visitors will be here for 10 days to participate in business round tables, cattle auctions, product expos, and fashion shows, concerts, and will check out all the new exhibits. It’s similar to state fairs in the US with lots of fun for kids and adults, great food, free concerts, and more. If you're one of the nearly half a million travelers who will converge upon Santa Cruz in September for the Feria Exposición (FEXPO) reserve a hotel.

If you haven’t checked out our Airlines page, you’re probably paying too much for your flight. Major airlines and online travel sites keep us informed about all their latest deals (sometimes in advance) and we pass them on to you on these pages. Don't miss giving these pages a glance, as airfare may be the most expensive portion of your trip to Bolivia.

Find out what all the best places to eat are while you're here by visiting our restaurants in Santa Cruz page. You’ll also find cafés and bars, tea houses and ice cream parlors, and find out what some of our favorites are.

Definitely take a city tour while you’re here. Check out some of our best museums and art galleries, parks and gardens, and be sure to visit one of the most interesting zoos in South America, the Santa Cruz Zoo! You’ll want to visit the city's first park Parque Arenal for sure too. And take a look at our Things to Do in Santa Cruz page for much all kinds of entertainment in Santa Cruz. If you’re here as a tourist, and get tired of the busy streets, see our Santa Cruz Regional Sites page and take short tours to these great nearby towns.

You can also take tours a bit farther out to great towns like Samaipata, the Jesuit Missions, some of our unforgettable national parks, and others. Find out more on our Santa Cruz Ecotours page or contact Ruta Verde. They specialize in ecotourism and speak English, Spanish and Dutch perfectly! Others think they’re great too – see what other travelers have to say about them and other options for travel agencies and tour operators in our Travel Agency Review or add your own reviews after your trip.

If Santa Cruz is just one stop on your tour of Bolivia visit our Bolivia Tourism page. It's full of information on tours all over Bolivia as well as some of our favorite tour attractions. Our Travel Information page has all the information you’ll need on visas, immigration, travel safety, airlines, buses, trains, holidays, exchanging money, traveling with kids and pets, and much more.

Welcome to Santa Cruz de la Sierra!

The Live in Bolivia section also has TONS of information for those of you who’ve moved here. You’ll find out what it’s like to live as an expat in Santa Cruz in this section.

And lastly, Santa Cruz is gorgeous in September because the tajibo trees are in full bloom. Definitely take a taxi on a Sunday and just cruise around the streets of Santa Cruz for an hour. You’ll see huge enormous trees bursting into full bloom with bright yellow, red, pink, purple and white flowers. September 21st is our first day of SPRING and it’ll only get more beautiful from here on out through the middle of next year.

Follow us on Twitter or Facebook, or Pinterest or subcribe to our YouTube channel. These are absolutely the best ways to stay in touch and find out about other amazing times to visit Santa Cruz. Questions? Tell Bella!

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