We Want Your Bolivia Travel Stories!
Bolivia Travel Forums | Tourism | Live in Bolivia | Plan Your Trip
Hola I'm Charis, webmaster of BoliviaBella.com. I've shared my Bolivia travel stories and adventures all over the site and I hope you'll consider doing the same! Our travel stories can be an entertaining and useful source of information for others who are considering traveling or moving to Bolivia. Plus, I'd like you to help me ensure this website isn't all about me! Here's who I am and why I build it.
Did you know that BoliviaBella is currently the top searched English website about Bolivia? That's because BoliviaBella isn't like most other Bolivia travel sites.
Through our many useful Bolivia travel forums site visitors like you, can add their stories, travel tips and warnings, and other experiences continually, making this one of the best ways for our guests to get an authentic feel for what it's like to tour Bolivia or live in Bolivia.

How to Add Your Bolivia Travel Story
1. If you'd like to share your experience as a tourist: Add your Bolivia travel story 2. If you're a foreigner and would like to share about living in Bolivia: Add your Bolivia expat story
3. If you'd like to share about any other Bolivia subject: Choose another topic or ask a question
4. If you'd like to share your experiences at Bolivian hotels: Review hotels in Bolivia
5. If you'd like to share your experiences at Bolivian restaurants: Review restaurants in Bolivia
6. If you'd like to share your experiences with Bolivian tour operators: Review tour operators in Bolivia
In addition, each travel story or message added to our site converts into a totally new, individual page complete with its very own comment form enabling you and everyone else to discuss any story or message you've added, online. Some site visitors use them to keep a daily travel journal for their friends to view, follow and comment on.
Also, when you add your travel story, you can add up to 4 photos OR you can enter the URL (website address) of a YouTube video and when we receive your story, we will embed your video into your new page. You can even link to your story from your blog.
Bolivia Travel Forums | Tourism | Live in Bolivia | Plan Your Trip