Travel Agency Review - Forum Rules

by BoliviaBella
(Santa Cruz Bolivia)

What we're looking for in this forum are comments, suggestions and recommendations from tourists regarding the use of, or their experiences with, specific travel agencies and tour operators in Bolivia. However, travel agencies and tour operators themselves are not allowed to use our forums to gain free publicity for themselves as this would defeat the purpose.

We also ask that you limit yourself to reviewing agencies and operators you have actually used as a tourist or traveler yourself.

If you have heard something about a specific agency or tour operator from someone else, we encourage you to ask that person to share their experiences themselves, and abstain from commenting based on hearsay.

This may seem a little strict, but we put these rules in place in the interest of ensuring the reviews we receive are sincere and truly from tourists so as to benefit other tourists and travelers.

Please note that we review and approve all comments on our site prior to posting them as we have a great number of underage website visitors.

For more see our General Forum Rules.

Tourists and Travel Agencies: We are not currently offering publicity for travel agencies or tour operators. Should this change, we will let you know. What we can suggest is that you encourage the tourists who have used your services to visit this page and post a review about you. Please do not "review yourself".

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