Should I move to Santa Cruz, Bolivia?

by Henry
(Falls Church, Virginia, USA)

I'm thinking of moving to Bolivia. I currently live in the US. What type of jobs can I get for speaking fluent English and Spanish? I don't have a college degree, but have 3 years of education from college under my belt. I'm thinking of becoming a real state agent in Santa Cruz. Anyway any thoughts?

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Apr 08, 2009
living in santa cruz
by: Anonymous

Hey Henry I live in Fairfax and have a house in Santa Cruz and will retire there in a short while. Drop a contact point here and I'll contact you to chat a bit. you can try me at skibum_9 at

Oct 09, 2008
ask other real estate agents in santa cruz
by: Anonymous

You might consider contacting other real estate agents in santa cruz to get their opinion of the work situation in that area in santa cruz

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