Quick question about your Bolivia gifts page

by Jessica Baker

Hello, I'm interested in placing a promotional link on your page: https://www.boliviabella.com/bolivia-gifts.html The link would be for a website which is about custom T-shirts. I don't have the biggest budget, but hopefully there is a reasonable price we could arrange. Please let me know if you're interested, and if not thanks for your time.

Jessica Baker

Comments for Quick question about your Bolivia gifts page

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Feb 19, 2010
about promotional links
by: BoliviaBella

Hi Jessica. I got your message. Could you let me know which website we'd be linking to? I get a lot of requests for promotional links and I try to link to sites I believe will provided added value to my website visitors so I hope you'll understand why I'd like to view it first. If you prefer you can contact me through this secure form so we can continue this conversation offline by email.

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