Questions about Trinidad, Beni


Hi, Does anyone know if it is possible to get home internet in the city of Trinidad, Beni? Also, are all the offices and resources available within the city of Trinidad in order to apply for 1 year residency while living in Trinidad?

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May 12, 2012
Thank you!

Thank you so much for you information Tara, it was very helpful!

May 11, 2012
Trinidad resources
by: Tara

Internet cafes are abundant and relatively speedy (and cheap!) compared to anywhere else in the Beni. TIGO claims to have 3G service in Trinidad, and I was able to use my smartphone when I was there in January to update my Facebook status and check email. I would guess, then, that you could buy the USB Modem from the TIGO offices to use at home.

The immigration offices are definitely available in Trinidad to process the one-year residency as it is the "hub" for all the immigration offices in the Beni. You can do the visa, get your Interpol (sloooowwwwww!), certificado de antecedentes (police record), registro domiciliario (proof of where you live), and process your carnet de identidad (Bolivian ID card) all right in Trinidad.

Hope this helps. Feel free to ask if you need something else:)

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