Question about Carnet de Extranjero

by Albert
(Santa Cruz)

Is there a specific maximum time in days to pick up your carnet de extranjero once it has been issued? I ask because I intend to travel outside Bolivia for 2 months just after I get my 1 year residence and after having submitted the request at the SEGIP PD: Sorry for my English, as it is not my mother tongue

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Sep 18, 2012
Carnet for travelling
by: Anonymous

Hi, do i need the carnet if i want to go to Peru and come back to Bolivia ? My Carnet was stolen and i dont want to do all the documents again to get a new one as its a lot of time and quite expensive. Thanks for your answers!

Jul 06, 2012
by: Albert

Thank you both for your comments!
I will think about the posibility of the "poderes"
I am happy to see this community alive.

Jun 28, 2012
by: Tara

You are not required to pick up your carnet when it is issued, however there is the risk that it will be lost before you get a chance to pick it up when you get back. As you probably already know, you can only be outside of Bolivia 90 days without losing your 1-year residency.

You also have the option of going to a lawyer and assigning someone to be your power of attorney (poder) so he/she can pick up the carnet for you. It may cost a little more, but it would be one way to make sure your carnet stays safe :)

Congratulations on your new 1-year residency. And happy travels!

Jun 28, 2012
by: Anonymous

I would pick it up as soon as possible because of the civil/political instability happening right now.

Jun 28, 2012
by: Anonymous

Probably no time limit, but I would suggest picking it up as soon as it is available because things get lost very easily in the offices here because they are so disorganized.

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