My cakes won't rise!

by Sarah
(La Paz)

I have recently moved to La Paz with my family. I am having the hardest time with baking cakes. No matter how I alter the recipe, I can not get my cakes to rise! Is there some secret I am missing?? Please help!

Hi Sarah. You do have to adjust your recipes in high altitude. You may find this article helpful:

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Jun 01, 2014
Baking with Altitude
by: Chef Noly

Baking in La Paz can be challenging. I wrote a series of blog posts about how to adjust recipes when baking at different altitudes. You can view those posts at

I recommend you try one change at a time so you can narrow down what is and is not working. Sometimes you have to change multiple ingredient amounts and other times its as simple as changing the baking temperature and time.


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