Looking for Bolivian food for my wedding

by Valerie Rios
(Rosharon, TX, USA )

My husband is from cochabamba and he hasn't been back in 12 years. I am tejana and I am not sure about bolivian food. We have been married for 7 years and in a few month we are going to be renewing our wedding vows but through the church. I want to make this day very special for my husband I want to make the reception menu bolivian food but I have never really tasted any and do not have any recipes there will be 100 people any suggestions any help please.


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Feb 10, 2012
by: Anonymous

Did you ever find the Bolivian food? I need to find Pique to surprise my girlfriend for Valentines!

Dear Anonymous: you'll find a recipe for PIQUE MACHO here. :-) Bella.


Sep 24, 2011
Bolivian Food in Houston
by: Anonymous

If you are close to Houston, there is a Restaurant that I think are Cochabambinos and do catering. Call the Bolivian Consulate and you can get the phone #.

Aug 02, 2011
Bolivian Food for a wedding
by: Chef Noly

Congratulations on 7 years of marriage! I think its wonderful that you want to incorporate your husband's culture into your wedding vow renewal celebration.

I've posted some suggestions and recipe links in this month's Wacataya Wednesday post at http://nolysinc.blogspot.com/2011/08/food-for-bolivian-wedding.html.

Best of luck with your vow renewal ceremony. Chef Noly

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