Looking for a simple Bolivian recipe, any ideas?

by John
(Aurora, IL)

Our Bolivian co-worker is transferring to another department, and I'd like to make a Bolivian dish for her farewell party. Any suggestions for a fairly easy recipe that would be appropriate for an office setting?

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Jun 22, 2018
Simple Bolivian Recipes
by: BoliviaBella

You might wish to spend some time looking through our extensive Bolivian Recipes section. We've divided it into different types of Bolivian food, for example: beverages, snacks, soups, desserts, main courses, etc.

If you plan to serve something hot, you might try these simple Bolivian meals which can be prepared in advance and heated in an office microwave:

Saice (pictured above),

Papas a la Huancaina,

Pique a lo Macho,


Bolivian soups are also usually quite hardy. Foods that are easy to eat standing up and holding in your hand might be empanadas (in the section on Bolivian snacks). Again, here is the Bolivian Recipes home page.

If anyone else would like to offer recipe suggestions, please feel free to comment below.

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