How to get to Conception from Santa Cruz?

Hello Bolivians, Could you tell me how to go to Concepcion (North East region) by bus or by other low cost transport from the Santa Cruz airport (VVI)? Where can I find a departure time schedule and book a ticket?

Thank you.

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Jul 20, 2015
Taking a bus to Concepcion from Santa Cruz
by: Silvia

The airport in Santa Cruz (VVI) is about 17 kilometers from the city. You will need to take a taxi from the airport into the city and tell the driver to take you to the Terminal Bimodal (our combination bus/train station. The taxi to the terminal should cost you no more than Bs. 60 or 70 maximum.

Once at the bus station, you will see many booths. Each is a separate bus company. You can ask them their schedules and prices and choose the one that is best for you. Santa Cruz to Concepcion is only 4-5 hours by bus.

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