Having Problems With My Visa for Bolivia

Hello, I arrived in Bolivia in May and started the application process for a special purpose visa ( volunteering for 7 months). I still dont have my visa and there was another error so i have to reprocess it, but im taking a trip out of the country soon, so that is going to be delayed until october, and I am panicking that my visa wont be completed and back to me before i am scheduled to leave the country. Is there any way to change my visa type at this point and just be here on a tourist visa???

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Aug 21, 2013
visitor visa nightmare
by: Anonymous

my son and I live in Cochabamba. We arrived on a visitor Visa. Stayed 8 months and I returned to USA for a few months but had to pay $500 before I left. I went to the Bolivian consulate and received my special purpose visa in less than 2 weeks. I would suggest you go to the consulate in Bolivia and get your answer. They do have people there that speak English. Don't wait too long or it will be costly.

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