Greetings from Cochabamba

by Uncle Darrell

I am an expatriate American retired from the US and living in Cochabamba. I have lived here three years continuously and am coming up in May on my permanent residence last.

I have met a few Americans that live here, but they disappeared faster than a tourists wallet in the concha!

I can't say I'm the social butterfly myself,
however it would be nice to meet fellow Americans who have decided to accept Bolivia as their adopted home and share an occasional beer in the Plaza Colon with like minded gringos.

I am neither religious, altruistic or political so if your world is heavily involved it those passions, I may not make a good drinking buddy. I do like to drink cold beer, tell jokes and stories, laugh and watch the world go by.

If anyone is interested we could also plan some good old fashion American holiday get together's on our traditional days of celebration such as 4th of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving. I had hoped the American Embassy would have something at least once a year for their fellow Americans....but I guess not.

At the very least we as a group could twist the arm of our local supermarkets to at least try to bring in more variety of U.S. products....Underwood's Deviled Ham and Hormel Spam for instance...OK,OK...You don't like Spam I understand.

Ok, I tossed it out there now the ball is in your court. Sunday Brunch is too much for one person but if we had a might be worth while to try.

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Apr 16, 2019
Moving to Cochabamba in 2019
by: yesduhh

Hi Darryl,
I have no idea when you wrote that, since this site does not show the date of the comments.

RSVP here if you are still there! :-)

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