First time in La Paz - Questions

by Charlie

My wife and I will be traveling to Tupiza in April of 2015. We will fly into La Paz around 6pm. Our plan so far is to get a hotel in la paz for the night. Then the next day take another flight possibly through amazonas to tarija then take the bus from there. My question is what is the safest way to get to and from our hotel in la paz. Or would it be better to wait in the airport for the 12 hour lay over?

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Oct 09, 2014
conoce la ciudad de la Paz
by: marlene

me parece que es mejor en ves de quedarte en el hotel puedas bajar a la ciudad de La Paz a concoerla , bajar solo te tomara 40 minutos, no teolvides que esta dentro delas 14 ciudades marabillosas del mundo. espero te guste mi pais.

Aug 02, 2014
by: Anonymous

There's public transportation (minivans) by the airport's door they wait for people to fill up the van and go to LPZ, that's ur best bet money wise and safety speaking.
Get in touch if u want to crash in my place those 12 hrs 'till ur next trip, both of u will b welcome.
mps20millas at gmail.

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