Can you help me organize by Bolivia trip?

by Jessica
(Miami, FL)

Hi, I'm visiting Bolivia in November and have only 9 days to pack a lot of things in. I want to visit La Paz & Lake Titicaca, Coroico, Potosi and a 2-day Salar de Uyuni tour. How do you suggest I maximize my time?

This is what I am gonna do so far:

Day 1 - Arrive in La Paz. Relax.
Day 2 - Yungas/Coroico
Day 3 - Titicaca/La Paz
Day 4 - La Paz
*Overnight bus to Salar
Day 5 - Salar de Uyuni
Day 6 - Salar de Uyuni
Day 7 - Potosi
Day 8 - Potosi (Half-day Sucre if need to fly back to La Paz)
Day 9 - Flying back from La Paz to Miami

How do you suggest getting from Salar to Potosi and Potosi to La Paz? How much should a taxi run from Potosi to Sucre if I need to take a flight back to La Paz?

Any suggestions? Thanks so much!

Comments for Can you help me organize by Bolivia trip?

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Apr 24, 2015
by: Monty

The tips to organize the Bolivia trip that are shared here on the webpage will of use to many of the travelers to Bolivia. I am interested in traveling to new places and the website has helped me a lot to know about Bolivia.

Aug 14, 2011
been there many times..i can help
by: Anonymous

november 2011?? i can help

May 25, 2011
Bolivia program advice
by: Koa Travel

Day 1 - Arrive in La Paz. Relax. Ok.
Day 2 - Yungas/Coroico. ok
Day 3 - Titicaca/La Paz ( Copacabana, in the afternoon Sun island. Hostal in the Sun island.
Day 4 - Sun island Copcacabana La Paz Ok
*Overnight bus to Salar
Day 5 - Salar de Uyuni Ok
Day 6 - Salar de Uyuni ok
day 7.- Salar de uyuni. Night bus to La Paz. ok
Day 8.- Tiwanaku ruins. Ok
Day 9 - Flying back from La Paz to Miami ok

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La Paz- Bolivia

May 16, 2011
Bolivia trip
by: Ruta Verde

Hi Jessica, I think you want to do too much in too little time.

What you could do is:
Day 1 - Arrive in La Paz. Relax.
Day 2 - Bus/taxi to Copacabana (3,5 hours), visit Copacabana in the afternoon
Day 3 - Visit Isla del Sol in the morning, in the afternoon back to La Paz
Day 4 - La Paz
*Overnight bus to Salar
Day 5 - Salar de Uyuni only 1 day (enough to visit the Salar but not enough to also visit the beautiful lagoons)
Night bus to Potosi (6 hours)
Day 6 - Potosi in the morning, in the afternoon travel to Sucre (3 hours)
Day 7 - Visit Sucre
Day 8 - Flight Sucre - La Paz
Day 9 - international flight

Notice that:
1) You need to do a 3 day tour to visit the Salar AND Lagoons
2) There is just 1 flight a day between Sucre and La Paz and flights can be delayed or even postponed until the next day when there is bad weather in Sucre

On how to get in and out of Uyuni see

Enjoy your time in Bolivia!


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