Bolivian carnet de extranjero - problems with online registration

by AD
(Santa Cruz)

Having received my residency, I am now in the process of applying for my carnet de extranjero.

I live in the Santa Cruz region and we are required to pre-register online.

Great, except that the system won't receive my date of birth, saying it is in an incorrect format. I have tried dd/mm/yyyy, mm/dd/yyyy etc , everything.

Any ideas?

I imagine that there will be a notice on the window of the office saying how to resolve this issue but I don't want to have to make the trip just for this.

In addition can anyone confirm whether the 25 days to pre-register are 25 working days (días habiles)?

thank you

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Jun 25, 2013
Frmulario De Pre-Registro
by: Ben

Hi AD,
Are you sure the "Frmulario De Pre-Registro" is asking for your date of birth rather than (Fec. Ingreso), which means the date of entry (into Bolivia) and (Fec. Notif. R.A.), which is the beginning or from date that you received permission of your stay in Bolivia), this date is located in the red sticker glued inside your Passport, do not mix them with "Fech De Nacimiento" which is the date of birth (at the very beginning of the form)and not where you stick your photograph. All these dates are written as dd/mm/yyyy, such as 26/06/2013.
I suggest get the form completed "ASAP" otherwise chances are you might have to repeat the whole immigration process over again.
If you get stuck your best bet is to go to the office concerned and just before you get there (same back street and same side) you'll see an "Abogado" office located dead on the corner where they'll fill the form in for you at a price.

Hope this helps.

Mar 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

I didn't know that you can now pre-register, what's the site name? I can tell you though that 25 days is 25 days, not working days!

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