Are there trains in Tarija - Hay trenes en Tarija?

by Maxine
(London UK)

Are there trains from Tarija to other parts of Bolivia or to any other neighbouring countries?

Hay trenes in Tarija para ir a otros sitios en Bolivia o a otros paises en Sud America?

Comments for Are there trains in Tarija - Hay trenes en Tarija?

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Jan 25, 2014
No Trains in Tarija
by: Altiplano Bolivia

No, there are no trains in Tarija. The nearest railways are from Villazon to Oruru via Tupiza and Uyuni, and from Potosi to Sucre.

Jan 25, 2014
No Trains in Tarija
by: Altiplano Bolivia

No, there are no trains in Tarija. The nearest railways are from Villazon to Oruru via Tupiza and Uyuni, and from Potosi to Sucre.

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