The Weather in Bolivia by City & State
Climate | Bolivia Facts | Environment | Planning Your Trip
The weather in Bolivia varies greatly from one region to the next on any given day due to the great difference in elevations and topography. Western Bolivia is mostly mountainous, central Bolivia is the country's valley region, and northern and eastern Bolivia are mostly flat, hot and tropical. There are a number of important deserts as well.

For descriptions of regional climate in Bolivia see our Climate Home Page where you'll find a general narrative of what the weather and seasons are like in different areas of the country. Bolivia has nine states. Learn more about Bolivia weather conditions in each state so that you'll know what to pack, which are the best times of year to visit each area of the country, and when to avoid traveling to certain areas. You'll also see the weather in Bolivia in real time for the most visited cities of each state, along with 7-14 day Bolivia weather forecasts.
Bolivia weather forecasts by state

Climate | Bolivia Facts | Environment | Planning Your Trip