Simon Bolivar

by John

Simon Bolivar was one of South America's greatest generals. His victories over the Spaniards won independence for Bolivia, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. He is called El Liberator (The Liberator) and the "George Washington of South America."

Bolivar was born in July 24, 1783, at Caracas, Venezuela. His parents died when he was a child and he inherited a fortune. As a young man, he traveled in Europe.

As he returned to Venezuela, Bolivar joined the group of patriots that seized Caracas in 1810 and proclaimed independence from Spain. He went to Great Britain in search of aid, but could get only a promise of British neutrality. When he returned to Venezuela, and took command of a patriot army, he recaptured Caracas in 1813 from the Spaniards.

The Spaniards forced Bolivar to retreat from Venezuela to New Granada (now Colombia), also at war with Spain. He took command of a Colombian force and captured Bogota in 1814. The patriots, however, lacked men and supplies, and new defeats led Bolivar to flee to Jamaica. In Haiti he gathered a force that landed in Venezuela in 1816, and took Angostra (now Ciudad Bolivar). He also became dictator there.

Bolivar marched into New Granada in 1819. He defeated the Spaniards in Boyar in 1819, liberating the territory of Colombia. He then returned to Angostura and led the congress that organized the original republic of Colombia (now Ecuador, Colombia, Panama, and Venezuela). Bolivar became its first president on December 17, 1819.

Bolivar crushed the Spanish army at Carabobo in Venezuela on June 24, 1821. Next, he marched into Ecuador and added that territory to the new Colombian republic. After a meeting in 1822 with another great liberator, Bolivar became dictator of Peru. His army won a victory over the Spaniards at Ayacucho in 1824, which needed Spanish power in South America. Upper Peru became a separate state, named Bolivia in Bolivar's honor, in 1825. The constitution, which he drew up for Bolivia, is one of his most important political pronouncements.

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Mar 24, 2015
If you find plagiarism please advise us

@Lauren Pickrell @Bethany Daniels - This is the webmaster. This forum is a public forum into which anyone from the public can add information, articles and comments (as you well know, because you did so yourselves).

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Mar 24, 2015
by: Lauren Pickrell

I found this same information on another site!! WTF

Mar 24, 2015
by: Bethany Daniels

Hi, I'm sorry to inform you that the information on this site matched another site written by Harvey Johnson. I have reported this issue and it should be resolved soon. Thanks for your understanding and I truly hope that this plagiarism was unintended.

Oct 06, 2010
simon bolivar
by: BoliviaBella

Thank you John from Scotland! I've added your post to our famous military personnel page. (You may have to refresh your page to view the change). Bella.

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