Possible Travel Options to Germany from Bolivia 2 April 2020

3/28/2020 - URGENT for citizens of Germany, member countries of the European Union, England, Norway and Switzerland who habitually reside in one of the aforementioned countries/regions, there is the possibility of a last flight out of Santa Cruz to Germany on Thursday, 2 April, 2020. Those who are interested in taking this flight should contact the Honorary Consul of Germany as soon as possible via WHATSAPP at (+591) 706-19321 as soon as possilbe.

Se comunica a todos los ciudadanos alemanes, de los países miembros de la Unión Europea, Inglaterra, Noruega y Suiza que tienen su residencia habitual en los países mencionados, que hay la posibilidad de un último vuelo de Santa Cruz a Alemania el día jueves 2 de Abril.
Los interesados de tomar éste vuelo comunicarse a la brevedad posible con la Cónsul Honoraria de Alemania, al whatsapp 70619321 por favor.

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