Is Bolivia safe for americans anymore??

by Garrett
(Utah, USA)

I lived in Bolivia a few years back, during a time when I was doing service for my church, at this time there was a lot of change taking place (new president). I have heard in past months that it was not safe to go back. I would really like to take my wife back to visit friends there, but i am worried she would stick out(very white skin tone, and red hair) and i wonder what you all think. Is it safe if you were in my shoes would you go to bolivia? Also to visit will we need to get a visa?? please email me back with advice/answers. I miss the santa cruz, Bolivian people very much!! my email is please feel free to hit me back, and thanks for your help!

Comments for Is Bolivia safe for americans anymore??

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Feb 10, 2021
Not safe
by: Anonymous

Bolivia is not safe

Jan 31, 2021
Common sense and be optimistic
by: Jimmy

Travel anywhere in the world now has changed in many ways, and in Bolivia, it has changed a good degree. Trying to standout in crowds and in the busy streets, flashing expensive belongings in a country such as this is like showing off, and is not a normal attitude anywhere, and probably much less here. Do not flash around, but be practical, do not be judgemental, and live like any other planetary citizen, blend in with the city scenarios and you will be ok. A good to way to avoid being exposed to "fears and dangers", is actually planning your daily outings, whether it be from hotels, hostels, and any other thing, to go shopping, eating out or touring. Why cannot you conduct yourself well without being afraid of the street, and all that it implies as in any foreign country, (even in major US cities) is mind boggling to me, be yourself, be cautious and feel relaxed. Say your daily and evening prayers, and you'll have a guardian angel by your side always.

Oct 28, 2019
This too shall pass
by: Anonymous

Just keep your mouth shut, stay a home, and be patient. We expats should not get involved publicly.
Probably not much will change in the long run Being an expat does not make us a target.

Oct 28, 2019
how about now?
by: Anonymous

I've been living here since Dec 2018 and it's been wonderful! I'm near Cochabamba. But since the elections (or lack there of) on October 20, everything has gotten chaotic...I'm wondering how the rest of expats are feeling right now.

Aug 22, 2019
Safe in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

We recently moved to Bolivia. (Cochabamba). We are very Caucasian and do stand out in our features. That being said, we feel very safe (actually safer than our city in North America). If you love the people, embrace the culture and don’t elevate yourself as "privileged or entitled", you will be welcomed with open arms. Take in the flavour of this lovely country, and you will love it as much as we do. Be sensible with your belongings, especially in the busy markets (people are people), learn some Spanish and enjoy!

Apr 12, 2019
Safe Place to visit
by: Anonymous

I visit Bolivia every 3 to 5 years. Bolivia is a beautiful and safe place to visit, especially Santa-Cruz. I have never had any an issues whatsoever. Be wise and don't flaunt your dollars bills, as you would not do anywhere else, don't call too much attention to yourself and you should be just fine.

Feb 27, 2019
by: Alec Johnson

Have been to Bolivia for work on and off for years. I travel with security and colleagues only. The place is corrupt and you need to be very careful as an American. I would not go anywhere near this country as a tourist. There are too many safe places around the world to visit! Avoid at all cost

Oct 30, 2017
by: Bill R

I have never had a problem anywhere in Bolivia. Be aware of your surroundings. Stay in good neighborhoods.
I have even been out late at night/ early mornings without issue.
I’m a big old gringo with fair skin, blue eye, bald head etc.
I had a fellow in the bus station in Santa Cruz pick my pockets years ago. All he got were a couple of nasty handkerchiefs. He was both angry and confounded. Keep your money cards and documents ina safe place

Jul 23, 2017
by: Mike

I went to samaipata and santa Cruz de la Sierra and the crime rates are low and I have never saw anything that bad happen in the city. I have visited Santa Cruz 3 times and the worst that could happen is a drunk dude flipping you off and call you a gringo.

Jan 09, 2017
Santa Cruz is the safest city in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

I live in Santa Cruz de la Sierra and I'm American. Santa is definitely the safest and pleasant city in Bolivia. Just always be careful at night.

Dec 08, 2016
Not very relevant
by: Anonymous

Where you are in the country varies in safety, just like here in the US. Some places are more prone to crime than others, but Santa Cruz is a safe place in my opinion from the years I've been there.

Nov 22, 2016
It's safe to visit (August 2016)
by: Gringo

August 2016, safe to visit

Nov 05, 2016
Bolivia is Safe
by: Rick Jackson

I am a very white skinned, blue eyed, North American man. I cannot hide my "gringoness." People all of the time will start to greet me in English before I open my mouth.

I have been living with my wife in Santa Cruz for the past 2 years. And before that, I have been going back and forth between Southern California and Santa Cruz since 1969.

I have been married to a wonder lady from Santa Cruz for the past 50 years. We have retired to a very nice home in the central part of Santa Cruz.

I have never had a problem with anybody in Bolivia. I walk the streets everyday without incident.

The only problem that us folks from the USA might have is that you may get tired of people being very nice to you.

Oct 29, 2016
is bolivia and/or the usa safe?
by: Anonymous

Bolivia is as safe as it is to walk the streets of new York city. believe it or not!!!!
there are white people in Bolivia as well and they are not afraid to be confused with the gringos, trust me.
is there a safe place on this planet? paris is dangerous with the terrorists,so is Brussels, Madrid London etc.
bolivians don't hate white people. we don't hate anyone per se.
sorry if we scared you

Sep 16, 2016
I think Dr. Just described the U.S. instead of Bolivia
by: Anonymous

Everything you said described the U.S. exactly. Bolivia is a beautiful place and the people are wonderful. Sure, there are problems, but you can't go anywhere in the world and not have them. I have been several times and have never had an issue, or even witnessed anything bad. I can't say that about the U.S.

Jul 12, 2016
yes Bolivia is safe for gringos
by: Vania

yes, Bolivia is like always .. nothing has changed .. not so much at least ... you should have the basic care , the type you could have in any country ...

that's it... in fact .. we miss to have more foreigners here... we were so used to them that now we miss them... I had many friends and foreign boyfriends ... and I like them so much, they usually are nice people ...

yes, I usually go to an institute to learn english and none of the teachers (native speakers) have told me anything wrong about La Paz or Bolivia... they had a good time here.

Dec 16, 2015
Dr. New isn't being truthful
by: Anonymous

by: Mcb

Bolivia as God made it is wonderful.
But the Bolivia of today (2015) is the most disgraceful, filthy country
I have been going to bolivia since I was a child up to now in my 30's. I live in DC and was born here. Bolivia is NEVER boiling hot. Maybe in the isolated jungles way out of the city but Bolivia has a very dry climate. There is never any humidity in La Paz, Bolivia's capital. The altiplano carries a dry cool climate year round. Water is ok but like most people in the US won't drink straight tap water Bolivians prefer to have the bottled or order water dispensers. I have ice cubes in my drink from natural tap water and I am ok. Sand and circular winds? This does not happen in a city. I think Dr. New lives way out in the country where there is plenty of dirt winds and isolation with no houses nearby. The city is crowded and has cobblestone streets. La Paz and Santa Cruz are walkable cities with high populations and if they live in the wealthier suburbs they own cars so don't have to deal with buses. However everything that you need is within walking distance. The city is built for walking and now there is no need to take a bus since they have built mi telerifico a car system that transports people by air. Indians, who were thought of uneducated in the past are now lawyers, doctors, or economists. Don't believe lies people!

Dec 11, 2015
by: Mcb

Bolivia as God made it is wonderful.
But the Bolivia of today (2015) is the most disgraceful, filthy country
I have lived in. The water is not clean. Markets neither sanitary or inviting. People are eating in a sense sand from circular winds almost daily. Transportation would be more relaxing by horse. Buses (80%) are packed like sardines

They are all broken or retro fitted.Streets are in very poor condition.Prices are high and quality is junk Chinese imports. Disgracefully poor education. Sex is rampant. Children of 15 yes carry babies.Outlook is (10) on a scale of 100. The future over the last 20 yrs as I know it has not improved for locals. 60 % of cars are literally junk. Sugar consumption is extremely high. The weather is boiling hot or potential rain. Nothing good lives here.

Nov 10, 2015
Bolivian and american
by: Anonymous

Im 30 something yrs old born in washington dc with bolivian parents from la paz. I travel there yearly soon to be every 6 months. I never had trouble with crime and neither has any family who travelled with me. The bolivians tell me horrible stories of wealthier neighbors peru and brazil as well as argentina and the high level of crime in those countries. For being considered poor the bolivians have beem very humble, honest, and polite than any american I have met. Yes it is a class based society but with the indian president it is not lawful to discriminate against the indigenous or lower class anymore.

Oct 07, 2015
Safe when I went there 21 years ago
by: Anonymous

Why go to Bolivia? Well, why not? It's a one of a kind place. When I visited Bolivia in 1994 the place was "not developed for tourism" which is to say that it was one of the last places in the world that wasn't in the grips of American mass culture. No McDonalds, no American anything. But La Paz has its charm, and Lake Titicaca is awesome. And Bolivians speak the slowest, most articulate Spanish of anyone I ever heard, which made it easy for me to get by on my limited knowledge of the language.

Crime was present then but mainly of the petty variety. We watched ourselves closely but with little fear for our safety. Bolivia is a very rigid class-based society. Most Bolivians are poor, indigenous people who speak Quechua or Aymara. Pure and mixed-blood Europeans walk past them on the street and pretend that they don't exist. It's hard to know what they really think but one incident that I had did lift the veil. Our tour group took a minibus to Tiahuanaco (an amazing place), but the vehicle broke down in the altiplano with the sun going down late in the afternoon. Finally a bus came, full of indigenous Bolivians who had been drinking. They had a grand time making fun of the gringos stuck on the altiplano, laughing and jeering. At one point a woman came off of the bus, squatted in front of our minimus, and took a dump, to the great delight of the Bolivians. I thought it was funny too.

Sep 17, 2015
U.S. embassy
by: Anonymous

the U.S. embassy is no longer there. It is much more dangerous to go now than it was 20 years ago. My grandfather worked for the U.S. embassy and adopted my father from La Paz. We went to plan a trip to La Paz, but the hotels are not that secure. The police count is little, and the crime rate has risen. Kidnappers as taxi drivers, getting all of your info to access your money.

Aug 28, 2015
Not the best place I have been to.
by: Anonymous

We came to Santa Cruz for purpose of Jr International competition. We have traveled a few other places for same purpose in the past...such as Peru and Colombia. Unfortunately...this Santa Cruz visit proved to be the most difficult to plan, the most costly for airfare and hotel (which was rated 4 star, but was at best a 2 star with old big box tv/no remotes). For the money spent, this was a big disappointment. Even the hotel arranged shuttles and taxis, the vehicles were in sad shape...the tax had exposed dashboard smoking wires, shuttles that were falling apart. The sport venue was super hot and uncomfortable.

Jul 28, 2015
nice work
by: Mike Erik

yes, i am totally agreed with this superb post.

Jun 20, 2015
by: Anonymous

Bolivia is safe for Americans.

Jun 20, 2015
by: Anonymous

Safe for Americans

Dec 28, 2014
Visiting Bolivia
by: Helmet Vanga

According to the press and news outlets tv, internet, around 2000 or after, american citizens touring Bolivia were approached by the US ambassy asking them to keep an eye or keep tabs on cubans living in Bolivia. These american tourists told of such plots to the press and there is actually footage of such complains. Americans know better what their governmet does or doesn't do.
Having said that, US ambassador Goldberg was expelled from Bolivia. Ask yourselves, why ?? and find out the reason why he was expelled. I do not believe any ambassador would be expelled because he was doing a gread ambassadorship job.
Evo Morales says that Golberg was plotting to devide bolivia into two countries. Is that the job of an ambassador ?
Previously, US ambassador Rocha in La Paz just before Evo Morales won the elections, Rocha said " if you vote for Evo there will be reprecautions" I ask the americans and the world, is that the job of an ambassador meddling in soverign foreing affairs of the host country ? Most of you are intelligent people and let the truth prevail. My view is Bolivia has petty crime and other crimes like in any other cities around the world. Stay away from political rallies and don't hang out where there is too much drinking and the women use comon sense. If I was a tourist I would concentrate visiting Uyuni salt pan, Tiwanacu, Lake Titicaca, Potosi Mint, take a quick tour in the mine, and go to the bolivian amazon and see squirrel and spider monkeys and large capivara rodents, pink dolfins and amazonian croks. While in La Paz ride the public busing lift (telefericos)

Nov 20, 2014
Overall Bolivia is safe
by: Anonymous

Although I was born in the US my family is from Bolivia. We visit La Paz once a year to visit family and friends. La Paz is relatively safe in most parts of the city. You should be able to walk almost anywhere withouth with no problem. Although there are pickpockets crime is rare. Having said that, it is smart to call taxi cabs from the multitude of cab companies as opposed to hailing one in the street. If you cannot call a cab company you are better off riding a city bus "Tupac Katari", they are clean, cheap and safe. Bolivian people usually cater to tourists and are very helpful. Some of the hateful remarks in this site are not reflective of Bolivians. Those remarks were most likely left by immature/insecure teenagers that vent their frustration on others. I have traveled all over the world and continue to marvel at the beauty of this amazing country.

Oct 11, 2014
Bolivia is fairly safe
by: Big White Guy

I'm a big white Canadian and I stick out like a sore thumb but I have been here for the past two months and have had no problems so far. My wife and I have been mostly in Santa Cruz but have traveled through the highlands and into the far east of Bolivia so I can say that it is pretty safe all around.
However I will say that while I am not afraid to go out or travel, when I do I am cautious of where I go and of my surroundings. Basically (as I am sure other comments have mentioned) while most people are happy to see foreign tourists, there are some that will take advantage of you (i.e. over change you,pick your pocket, or worse). But that goes for anywhere, even at home. Just follow a few simple safety rules like don't flaunt your valuables and money, take only what you need with you, keep an eye out for common scams (fake tourist police, "you dropped something", etc) avoid walking after dark, don't go to known dangerous areas and use trusted cab companies.
Just make sure you don't get involved in and avoid any and all political rallies and protests!! That's where the government's anti American sentiment will bubble to the surface.
Safe travels!!

Sep 22, 2014
Yankees, seriously???
by: Anonymous

If you have so much experience with foreigners then you would know that calling Americans "Yankees" is not only considered disrespectful (unless you are a baseball fan), it's also incorrect. The "Yankees" were only from the 13 northerneastern states - any American from the Midwest, Southern and Western portions of the USA were never Yankees and would be insulted to be called one.

Sep 17, 2014
by: Anonymous

Is not like we treat yankees as muslims post 9/11 in the US. I rent rooms for foreign people, mostly Europeans, but had Australians too, and even with so much civil unrest that's a thing that rarely affects foreigners.

Sep 01, 2014
bolivia safe
by: Anonymous

Bolivia is safe while you don't have to free your behaviers i mean everyone can walk without tie (understand is not what you have to show what you don't want to do) then you canenjoy a very polyte people that don't need to be fancy everytime we have all

Aug 23, 2014
"Political Rules"
by: Anonymous

What political rules? Like that Americans can't selfishly block the roads because they want to charge 20 cents more for the bus fares?

Hahaha that's a JOKE!

Aug 23, 2014
by: Spanglish Travel

Most of the people who are really nice are just nice so they can take advantage of you.

Aug 23, 2014
you can come here to Bolivia
by: moonchild

you can come here to Bolivia with your wife and walk by the country in peace while you come like normal civilian and don't intrude into the local political situation, and respect how other people can live well and happy without american political rules.
sorry about my ingles

Aug 20, 2014
by: Anonymous

I am a Bolivian that has lived in the States for over 25 years, after coming back to my native country it feels like a whole new world. Please be aware as I have mentioned that I have lived in The states for over 25 years I feel more American rather than Bolivian. What I can tell you from my time here, is that the natives such as my self will treat you with the utmost. It makes us happy to receive Tourist that are coming here to see what we are all about. Here I can honestly say that we do not have any hate Groups (e.g. KKK. Here you do not hear about some one getting killed every 20 minutes. Here we do have delinquency just like any other country, yet the crime rate is very low, trust me in order to get mugged you would have to go to the slums. Come here with your Wife and I guarantee that nothing will happened, except the fact that you and your Wife will have a Good time.

Aug 19, 2014
by: Anonymous




Aug 12, 2014
I'm from Bolivia
by: Anonymous

I was born in Bolivia but i've lived in the us for seven years. About two years ago i decided to go back to school in bolivia, and i can tell you, for me it was hilarious. People and classmates everywhere were like, Look at the gringa! we have a gringa!, and that gives you like automatic popularity haha, but it soon wears off as they get used to you and discover that youre really like the,. Yes it is very dangerous to go out at night, because many people take advantage of this and steal your phones, and this chance increases if you walk around outside texting like in the USA haha. and for the most part everyone is really nice and helpful, but like everywhere else, you can meet some really douchey people, but over all its nice. also theres a big economical gap between the middle, high and low class. you can see the low class living in the streets arely eating, then theres the regular middle class that have enough to have nice houses and technology. and then theres the super high class, with huge mansions and ridiculous amounts of money, kindoff like and LA star. usually, high class people are really snotty and dont know how to work for their own stuff. like other people said, middle class people are the best to befriend because they know everything about everything. the times ive dealt with low class people ive been very scared because i tried to give some little kid five bolivianos (a little less than a dollar) and out of no where this whole gang of little kids sorounded me and started sticking their hands at me trying to get some money, and a security guard that was nearby laughed at me instead of helping me. Usually people say to stay away from people in the streets because alot live like that because theyre lazy and dont want to work. FOOD IS AMAZING. entertainment is growing, like in santa cruz they just opened a new cinema/mall, and everyone is raving about it. anyway, JUST GO TO BOLIVIA. it really is a beautiful place but some parts are just rotten, like everywhere else.

Jul 16, 2014
by: Anonymous

Anyone that had travel to bolivia recently I was just wondering if it is true that in the airport then confiscate your phone .. From the USA

May 28, 2014
by: Anonymous

These comments make me sad. I recently returned from a trip to Bolivia and I absolutely loved it. I myself have fair skin and red hair, nonetheless almost everyone I met there treated me with respect and kindness. I did stick out like a sore thumb, but I'm used to that even in the states; I don't mind as long as people don't discriminate. That aside, some of the comments I'm reading on here are very rude. This man had a genuine and realistic concern; we all know race still plays a factor whether it's in Bolivia, the states, or wherever. He's simply trying to make sure his wife would be safe, he's not trying to insult Bolivia. People will have concerns about safe travel regardless of the country they're visiting. I don't appreciate the rude comments and generalizations about the states and Americans. We are not all the same and there is no competition about who's better in regards to Bolivia or the states; we're both simply two different countries. If my opinion on Bolivia had to be formed based on these comments it would be a bad one. Luckily, I've had the chance to experience some of the country myself and I know that there are many, many nice people who do not have such a bad attitude towards the U.S. and all Americans.

May 28, 2014
by: Spanglish Travel

All I see are hateful Bolivians commenting here. After living in Bolivia for some time now I see that the majority need to grow up and be peaceful with outsiders. Bolivians ARE NOT better than others.

The lack of respect from all you negative people is disturbing.

May 16, 2014
Yeah f*** Bolivia but first f*** you too
by: Anonymous

Your country possibly seems the BEST on earth but is only a illusion, Bolivia it's truly amazing, best landscapes, multiculturalism, lot of lifestyles & contrasts, If you not sure to come don't say any damn word. Idiots being idiots that not change everywhere.

May 15, 2014
Recommend you go and take your spouse

For the last few years I have visited Bolivia once a year for about 10 days at a time, mainly Santa Cruz, Cochabamba and La Paz. Wonderful place, very friendly people, great food (I do try and avoid salads and vegetables unless peeled as I had a stomach bug one occasion and drink bottled water). Never had a security problem. Before venturing out, I generally speak to the hotel staff on where or where not to go and for recommendations. The have been brutally honest from telling me don't walk in the nearby park at night, don't go south of x street and so on, recommendation bars and restaurants etc. I generally use radio mini cabs as my main source of travel (very cheap, even when they do rip us off by adding a few Boliviano's to the fare - the hotel porter was horrified and he accused the cab driver of overcharging me 10Bs (US$1.50). Even went to a soccer game in Cochabamba. I notice most banks have armed guards and so to me that always tells a story. But then I also go to South Africa each year so may be this is why Bolivia does not phase me. I have been to places in Miami much scarier. My recommendation take your spouse and enjoy.

Apr 26, 2014
by: Anonymous

it is as safe as houses

Apr 21, 2014
by: Un Cochabambino

Well my friend people in Bolivia are strong headed (usually) and we love giving nicknames and partying. Most Bolivians love good food, soccer and Good Chicha (alcoholic beverage) but where hard workers and we usually love it when someone foreign comes to our country. One because we get some money in our pockets and two Because we get to show off. Oh by the way if you have asthma, sever headaches problems or overweight, please don't go to Bolivia its beautiful but its still a savage paradise. Now most of the bolivians commenting are from well to do families and have no clue of what Bolivia really first off ethincity. I know all the Gringos think that we are all the same but In bolivia its different theres are about 30 major ethnic groups in bolivia the two largest Quechua and Aymara. And most people from different departments could usually distinguished themselves. So in others words people from Beni would look alot different from people in La Paz despite that is a few miles away, and people from Santa Cruz dont even look like there fellow patriots from Potosi. But you would be treated with open arms by most of the middle class. Since high class bolivians are extremely arrogant and low class bolivians could not help accommodate strangers to their houses. But what you really need to know are the people. People from, La Paz love their fashion and often dress themselves with the most expensive tuxedos or handouts from the 1800's that are still very expensive. People from Oruro love their food. people from Potosi are very different to the north are the best musicians of bolivian folklore and south potosi are miners there kind of combination between La Paz since they love their fashion and Love their food and they love to dance.I dont know but Santa Cruz are usually the small japanese minority and some haitians have come to santa Cruz and finally... ergh thats all I know. Now for the best department Cochabamba Where basically a combination of all the other departments at least in the city and we love our home our families and our chicha and our quecka a type of dance. In the country sides a bit different to the west people are more like to people from La Paz to the south people are 100 % from cochabamba to the north people are more tropical and that I dont know.And Is Bolivia Beautiful yah it is.
Now for culturally stuff am not to incline to spill out all of the cultures and customs but heres a video of a charango am sure you'll enjoy. Oh and heres a warning Kidnapping is happening in Bolivia it use to never happen like it was unheard off so watch yourselves.

Apr 04, 2014
by: Anonymous

Today I met a man from Bolivia that is why I looked for information on Bolivia. He was mean to me and said he use to be a policeman in Bolivia. He was now a Knight of Columbus, "Catholic" and because I'm a protestant he was very mad and threatening because of my views. I know many Knights of Columbus including the local District Deputy."friendly" It was his first show at this protest 40 days for Pro-Life. Sooner or later he will get into trouble but it maybe all Bolivians are mean.

If they are dangerous talking after coming into America what are they like in their own country?

At this point I would never go to Bolivia.


Mar 13, 2014
Bolivia rules
by: Anonymous

My friend you think your country is paradise (USA) I been there in Washington DC beautiful but nothing is beautiful there was a neighborhood OMG even though I am from Bolivia I never seen anything like that dirty!! The apartments. Plus they stole my wallet when I was touring around DC please any country is safer if you go to Bolivia you just gotta know where to go!!! I never experienced a something like in your country !!! Man but Bolivia is nice especially Cochabamba. With the best climate!!! The food is amazing your country is all about mcdonalds ewwww

Feb 12, 2014
I love bolivia
by: Anonymous

I am english guy who has a beautiful bolivian girlfriend and we've got a gorgeous 4 year old daughter we travel to bolivia at least twice a year it is true that some parts are dangerous but i guess thats the same everywhere dont let these comments put you off I personally love bolivia santa cruz is the best in my opinion the people are really friendly and the food is just great ...

Feb 11, 2014
Forum rules

While we encourage a healthy debate and a diversity of opinions, we ask that comments posted in our forum remain respectful and useful to others.

Feb 10, 2014
by: Anonymous

Keep your mormon ass in utah! Suckas like you get robbed cuz you deserve it

Feb 06, 2014
to Yo and rest
by: Anonymous

The guy just asked about safety jerk off. get off your self righteous paranoid nancy soapbox

Feb 05, 2014
by: Anonymous

Leave it to a Christian from Utah to assume that Bolivia is no longer safe because it finally has a Bolivian president. Boo this man!

Jan 29, 2014
Visit Tahuichi?
by: Anonymous2

I have good friends from Bolivia here in the States. I'd like to visit and would like my family to visit as well. But reading comments like 'Haha, look at the gringo', doesn't make Bolivia look good to me.

It's sad to see racists like this guy. Is he typical in Bolivia? If I don't look right, am I a 'gringo', instead of just another person?

I think my friends who lived and played at Tahuichi will be sad to hear this.

God bless!

Jan 13, 2014
2 cents
by: Anonymous

Why is every bolivian's dream to move to the US?
Haha, look at the gringo. You are not doing that well, you know. If I wanted to live somewhere else, I would pick Canada, maybe.

The people that want to go outside for money are going to Argentina, Chile or Brazil. Language is a big deal there. If they wanted to leave the country, they would just do. There is no need for even passport to go to those countries.

I really doubt the dream of most people around here is to go live in the US. I for example have been offered jobs at google and Microsoft, but would rather stay. Bolivian culture is very into family. Leaving the nest is not a fantasy for many for us. Also, I much like the fresh food around here. The food in the US was just sad. And life is so darn cheap here!

Oh sure, there is violence and thievery here. Just like the US. Oh, are you gonna argue that there is no drug dealing or gang violence in the US? No domestic violence? At least our gangs are not as super organized as the US ones.

To the guy angry at his wife getting her necklace robbed. Give me a break, would you rather she be kidnapped and asked for ransom like in the 1st world?

Jan 03, 2014
by: Elena

I am american born and raised with bolivian heritage as my dad is from la paz, bolivia, but he has lived in the states for more than half of his life. That said, I have traveled to bolivia a handful of times to visit and have encountered fewer problems in comparison to my travels in Europe.

What I noticed:

#1-Fewer pickpockets and scam artists compared to famous tourist cities such as rome, florence,paris, etc. and when I say much less I mean that I maybe saw a sketchy situation once or twice and while in europe for a couple weeks I saw MILLIONS of "sketchy/dangerous" situations. Bolivia does not have as much violent drug crime/gangs etc. compared to many other latin american countries and is not a major tourist destination so it is safer and has fewer thieves in my opinion for latinamerica.

#2-People were nice, friendly at times, not in your face, and glad to have your business (not snobby and rude for the most part). Just FYI vendors will try to charge you more because you are American, but usually it is not that much more. Don't be afraid to haggle prices but for the most part, Bolivia is SUPER CHEAP for Americans, you can live like a rich person there.

#3-Depending on where you go to Bolivia, you may get more stares than you are used to in the states, as in many south American countries and in Europe too, I noticed that it is not considered really rude to stare. In la paz, for example, 2/3s of the population consists of natives of distinct physical features/traits so you WILL STAND OUT but that can be a good thing as people actually have a tendency to respect americans; to them, we are good for their business so what's not to like? And bolivia has many cities so if you are really scared as appearing too "american" or whatever that means, check out Santa Cruz or cochabamba and you will blend in more. Wherever you go though I guarantee if you are prepared, smart, and willing to try new experiences, you will enjoy it as Bolivia has more to offer than most people realize.


Dec 07, 2013
Hear it from someone who knows..
by: Jimmy See

I was born in Bolivia from an Irish-American father and a white (Spanish-Bolivian) mother high class, Sucre.
My physical appearance is a mix of Spain/Ireland, when I get a jar head haircut, I look like a US marine, I also stand out like a sore thumb. But the key to enjoying Bolivia's secrets lies in communicating with it's people. The warmth, the harmless mischief, and the great variety is appreciated. Common sense and wit gets you around anywhere in the world, the comments about Bolivia being overly dangerous are exaggerated. During the late 80's and 1990's, Bolivia was rated among the world's safer countries by the World Tourism Board, as opposed to other countries that surround it. Since the 2'000's, it's rating has dropped somewhat to mainly thefts and isolated assaults. But it's neighbours reputations have spiraled even higher. The idiosyncracy of the Bolivian is of warmth of the home, respect of elders, and fellow humans. Racism is unknown here, and culture, wit and to participate in festivities is a way to aculturize.In my 49 years I've lived in this South American country, I've been viewed occasionally as a foreigner due to my looks, but being bilingual, an versed in Bolivian idiomatic language has helped me obviously. To the point of being an international tour guide leading Americans and Europeans on escorted tours throughout the Andes and the Amazonic basin in Bolivia, Paraguay and Argentina. Please view my website:, and inquire to my email

Oct 22, 2013
It's Safe
by: Anonymous

Just stay in the wealthy southern district in La Paz and you'll be fine. You might even like it more than the U.S.A. You will probably have your own maid and coming from the U.S. most things will seem to be much cheaper. As long as you don't plan on doing anything foolish, feel free to come.

Sep 06, 2013
To the ridiculous negative people
by: Anonymous

I see some ridiculous comments about Bolivia being a "shitty country" etc etc...smh I think that some people might like it and some won't. Everybody has their own opinions and are entitled to it but please don't be too ARROGANT to GENERALIZE your negative comments. Bolivia just like any other country has its pros and cons. Bolivia is a beautiful country and of course has its culture and way of living. And just like some of you complain about Bolivia being terrible in crime, then let me tell you that of course it has its bad areas just like here if you go to Baltimore or South East DC and get robbed.
I would recommend anybody who wants to go to Bolivia to go experience my beautiful country but have an open mind. Of course be careful and don't be naive either.

Jul 28, 2013
Get out more
by: David Lewis

I'm an elderly Englishman just back from 3 weeks travel in many parts of Bolivia, mostly on my own, with limited Spanish. I found people helpful and polite and the only crime I encountered was on transit through Miami Florida, where a padlock on my bag was stolen and a small Bolivian bag and necklace was missing on my arrival in London.
As to paying over the odds as a tourist, this is something that applies all over the world (including New York and London). Get over it. Enjoy your holiday, and forget about paying a few more dollars than the locals would pay.

Jul 06, 2013
It depends where in Bolivia not all Bolivia is the same.
by: Super Bolivian - American

I'm a 31 year old AMERICAN born in Washington DC where I have lived all of my life and my parents are from LA PAZ, BOLIVIA. Family and some bolivian friends have been in AMERICA since the 60's. Despite being so Americanized and visiting many American cities I love BOLIVIA! There is no other place that I have been to that compares to this beautiful Andean country and it's neighboring city CUSCO. It's a 30 minute flight away! THere are many ways to live in Bolivia that are low cost. The majority of people are humble, polite, and beautiful inside and out despite some being very poor. Do not compare the city and capital to the rural areas of Bolivia. Like India, people are often separated by social class. The natural beauty is astounding here. There are many ways to live there at a low cost and food is always delicious quinoa anyone? plato paceno? silpancho? fricase? Food is very fresh here! Reason why mcdonalds didn't last long there is because most bolivians prefer their traditional foods! It's not because they can't afford it since these fast food places are located in higher and higher social class areas of the city not in poorer districts. IF you are really interested though you should use facebook or another social meet up group to meet a bolivian but preferably one who is bolivian american.

Jun 14, 2013
I love Bolivia
by: Andy

I am an American and I have spent a lot of time in Bolivia. I have traveled all over the country. I spend 4 days in Salar De Uyuni that was an amazing experience. I highly recommend it. I stayed in Copacabana on the shores of lake Titicaca. My favorite city is the capital of Sucre. Next on my list would be Cochabamba followed by La Paz. Santa Cruz is my least favorite city because it is dirty and run down but there are a few places that are nice. I am engaged to a beautiful Bolivian girl that I met on facebook. Yes, millions of Bolivians are on facebook and skype. They also have iphones and tablets and most of the people I talked to in Santa Cruz have no desire to move to the United States. I have blonde hair and blue eyes and I stick out like a sore thumb and no one has every given me a hard time in Bolivia. In fact, I feel safer there then I do in Miami. Every place has good and bad you just have to focus on the good. I would live in Sucre tomorrow! I hope this helps you.

May 20, 2013
crazy people
by: dan ashman

people who say "i love bolivia because the people are so wonderful and its a beatiful country" are delusional. bolivia is a shitty, dangerous country. there were a couple of bolivians who posted here saying they haven't had much of a problem but just keep in mind very few bolivians can speak english, or use the internet to post on forums like this, and even the most cultured bolivians don't know they can buy products through the internet; in other words any bolivian that is posting here is a very special insulated type of bolivian.

MOST bolivians DO experience violence directed against them whether it be domestic violence (man OR woman), or from family, or from the huge number of poor kids that live on the street. a couple weeks ago i was sitting n the front seat of a bus when a dirty guy started washing the windshield which the bus driver didn't want. then the guy demanded money from the bus driver for his work and the bus driver didn't pay. so the guy said "i know you, you have to be careful," the bus driver said "shit get the hell out of here," so this drugged up guy dressed in rags went to the sidewalk and picked up a rock the size of an avocado and came back to the bus driver's window... this is when i got up and moved to the back of the bus.

so yeah, if you can live inside of a guarded complex or house with a security guard and use your own car or go in taxis maybe you can be lucky and protect yourself from something. but if you are poor, you will have run in with danger and violence.

and yeah if this country is so beautiful one little question, why is every bolivian's dream to move to the US and to live there for the rest of their life and to come back maybe once or twice every couple years to visit their parents but to have their own family live in the US? and by every bolivian this is the dream of about 80% of people here. only about 1% of those can accomplish their dream cause the culture is so low. oh yeah, how many americans dream about moving to bolivia and living here for the rest of their life? just curious??

May 07, 2013
santa cruz sucks
by: daniel

i have lived in santa cruz bolivia for a few years. there are a lot of ignorant comments here regarding this city.

1)santa cruz is dangerous. just ask a bolivian. most will have a story about being robbed at gunpoint or with a knife. the good news is that if you are rich you can insulate yourself from this violence since you don't need to take buses to far out dangerous parts of the city late at night.

2)people in santa cruz like americans. in santa cruz there is no anti american sentiment. you will get people asking you to buy them gifts though.

3)in my experience as an american, a bolivian will pay more money for a taxi then i will. this is because a taxi is too expensive for many people here, so they will get into a cab without first asking how much they will be charged whereas i know to ask for the price first and i know the standard fares. in other words, if you get charged too much it is probably just cause you are an inexperienced bargainer, not cause americans have to pay more.

Apr 28, 2013
Don't go
by: Anonymous

Out of all the places to visit in the world why Bolivia? The comments by others are correct - don't go!!

Apr 26, 2013
You get what you pay. (second part)
by: Anonymous

In the end, I got tired of tourists and their unrealistic and even offensive expectations about price. I always wondered why the ended complaining about how bad was a service or product when they just wanted the "cheapest" the "bargain". You get what you pay here and all over the world, believe it or not. So, if you want some quality service please try at least to pay not the most expensive one, but at least something in between or a bit higher, and dont push too much on people to get bargains and huge discounts because it then gets charged to your overall satisfaction.

I sold the travel agency and are happier than ever. My quality service was not fully appreciated or was hard to convince people that I was not getting rich with their money. I got many debts trying to sustain my business because tourists love to buy cheap services or stick to poorer but more expensive services sold by foreigners, just because they trust more on them.

I never regretted of it.

Apr 26, 2013
You get what you pay.
by: Anonymous

I am a light skinned Bolivian and despite people know well I am a fellow countrywoman they charge me a higher price despite I am not wealthy. Some people also tend to charge more to those they think are rich, no matter what their skin color is so you are not the only ones being unfairly charged. I am sorry for that.

But I was blackmailed and harrased when traveled to Europe once. Should I say it is "unsafe" despite I never had a similar experience here in my country?

I agree with some opinions verted here but wonder how people coming from countries where it is possible to die or get seriously hurt in a random bombing attack or shooting attack complain so strongly about safety. If you aren´t careful you may be robbed here of course and foreign people may be a candy for thieves that is why I recommend to avoid walking at night or bring with you large amounts of money when going out. Don´t show you have the latest camera model to everybody in the street as well. Keep a low profile and try to dress similar to Bolivians. At La Paz one may spot a "gringo" from two miles of distance because they usually dress flip flops and shorts despite the cold weather. None Bolivian wears flip flops either "typical" attires but "cholitas" and some indigenous people in their daily routine as some tourists do.

Apart, there are unsafe neighborhoods and places in US as here. When I traveled to some US cities I was recommended to never go to certain places. If you also have unsafe places in your own country where one might be shot or raped then why do you look down on other countries? There is unsafeness all over the world but with common sense and careful approach we should be taking care of us and preventing threatening experiences to happen.

Also, to close this long post, I would say that most foreigners coming to Bolivia, think that because it holds the title of the "cheapest country in South America", every price or service should be so cheap that in some cases their expectations are ridiculous and even offensive. I owned a travel agency recommended by LP and other prestigious traveler guides but got tired of foreigners trying to put down my services prices because they had unrealistic, if not, biased or even offensive expectations about how much they should cost. Of course, people like them ended hiring cheaper but unsafe, awful services and believing we were "expensive" just to regret in the end not having decided otherwise.

The fact that Bolivia is a "cheap" country does not mean it has to be a "gift". When providing a service, we have expenses to afford and a profit to earn if this service is going to be delivered finely. When people demand that services are "cheap" and cheaper, they only get that low quality service and in the end, half of the responsability is theirs, because they dont respect the fact that for a decent living, one has to earn, not to get rich but to afford a modest life style.

Mar 07, 2013
In love with Bolivia
by: Mark

I've visited the USA for a period before I came to live in La Paz Bolivia - the comments above could equally apply to the USA and parts of Australia where I come from. I love Bolivia and its people and understand their animosity towards westerners - fear driven and arrogant are not qualities I hold in high regard either - you are all better off staying where you are - do not come here please !!!

Mar 02, 2013
Bolivia!! mm ... no thanks
by: Paul

Me and my Bolivian wife decided to settle near Santa Cruz, without doubt one of the worst decisions. On the face of it the people are friendly , relaxed thought we would do well. Didnt suffer from any crime, its just that everything is such hard work to achieve.And i mean hard work. Customer service dose not exist. When they do decide to do something its very badly done.
Sorry to say i do not have much good to say about the country. Undisciplned, under trained, obsessed with the three meals a day( which is strange with the food being so awful). Most bolivians think us gringos have money because it grows on trees !! no its because we work hard. Bolivia is the poorest nation in SA because the people are lazy. Period.

Feb 14, 2013
In response to Dutch Australian
by: Anonymous

I think this person had a very legitimate question and one that every person who is considering moving their family, belongings and entire life to a foreign country should honestly ask themselves. So to me it isn't about Americans "picking on" Bolivia. And it's not about comparing Bolivia to the U.S. or any other country. It's simply about a person trying to make a very difficult decision in the most informed manner possible.

And to be truthful, although it's a question that MANY people ask prior to moving to Bolivia, given it's unstable politics, rising crime rates and frequent violent demonstrations, it does also seem to be a question that Americans ask more than citizens of other countries precisely because this government has taken such an openly public stance against Americans. You don't hear the president making comments (in nearly every speech he makes) about the vile "imperialists" from say Germany, England or Holland.

No other country's ambassador has been kicked out, no other country has had members of its aid cooperation and religious (missionary) groups mass deported as the U.S. has in recent years, often with very little explanation. In Bolivia, no other country's citizens have been targeted as much for the various types of crime as Americans have. Americans have been victims of robbery, murder and express kidnappings and there have been several very high profile cases of financial fraud. More than citizens from any other country.

So there are a lot of reasons why Americans may be more worried about living here than foreigners from other countries. It isn't only about crime on the streets. Therefore, I think this is a very legitimate question.

Feb 14, 2013
My Home
by: Anonymous

I have lived in Bolivia for 18 years and have never had anything happen to me. (I am half american, tall, have light skin, etc.) Yes, there are some areas that are a little more dangerous than others--as in every country! I'd say my main concern would be pickpockets in certain places, but even so I have never been robbed while living there (although I do know a couple people who have been). But basically, in my opinion Bolivia is an amazing country that everyone should visit, with incredible cultural and geographic diversity, delicious food, and beautiful sights to see.

Feb 13, 2013
Vive Bolivia
by: Dutch Australian

I love Bolivia even though we have been robbed a few times, but that shouldn't happen to someone who's a bit smarter than me. I get a bit absent minded. Don't watch the man who tries to get your attention, whatch the the one bihind you.
Theyr's always two working together.
I've been in USA once and did not find it any safer. So you yankies don't pick on Bolivia.
yes I know not all of you do.

Feb 07, 2013
True Bolivia Santa Cruz
by: Anonymous

General rule to follow in Bolivia:

Safety in numbers!!! You can't depend on public transportation or the Police if you are in a jam.

No American consult open.(appointment only)

If you are brown skinned and Male you should be fine. You will still experience Santa Cruz's bad customer service almost everywhere you go. In time they say you get use to it. I'm still not. Women get robbed more than men cause they seam to be an easier target. They is always more security in numbers.

Women, if you walk alone you will be harassed by strange men parking cars or security guards "mamacita" and stuff like that. Need to be careful getting a cabs by yourself since some women traveling alone get kidnapped, rapped or most commonly harassed but the taxi driver or just make you uncomfortable. Not to say that will happen every time but it does happen.

Buses are safer for women and cheaper. Although you have some strange people that might try to rub up against you. Speak up!!! let the rest know. And they will back off. avoid being the only person on the bus as well. Bus drivers a also sketchy.

Be vigilant as a rule in order to enjoy the city. I love Bolivia but you have to be more careful than in the USA. You can't even assault a robber that gets in your house. The police will arrest you for assaulting him in your own home.

Don't expect justice in Bolivia. You can be arrested and detained in jail without charges for 18 months or longer. So keep your head down and don't be a proud American in Bolivia. I live here but as soon as my wife get's her papers I'm moving back to Houston to live. But I will always have a special place in my heart for Bolivia. (Only for vacations though.)

Nov 26, 2012
by: Anonymous

It is safe, i am a french blond girl, i am working here, and i walk alone in the streets and until now i haven't had any problems. Sure it is maybe not the safer place in the world but we live only once !! cya

Sep 08, 2012
Safe, just use common sense
by: Anonymous

I would say it is a relatively safe country. I have seen some petty crime, such as chains being snatched etc. I have also had a couple of people pull up in cars and try the I´m a policeman, I need you to come with me¨ scam in Santa Cruz, but I think so long as you take the normal precautions and use common sense, you will be safe. I have never personally seen any violent crime here. Of course it does happen, I just don´t think it is epidemic.

Jun 05, 2012
Bolivia lost its coast to Chile
by: Anonymous

Bolivia is a beautiful country but because we lost our coast the country is bleeding as we pay to the chileans whatever they like to charge to pass our merchandise to overseas countries.

Bolivia can not get any help asking to the ONU as the secretary of this group of Nations is the ex-president of Chile.

Bad luck for Bolivia, I hope some day will be able to recover one of our ports Antofagasta, Arica, etc, etc.

Apr 12, 2012
Do not visit Bolivia
by: Anonymous

I am from Bolivia and if God helps me I will never ever return. Nothing works, nothing is easy, worst country is South America

Jan 26, 2012
Yay! Off to Santa Cruz in 3 weeks
by: TallCowboy0614

My family and I are off again to Santa Cruz (and for a week in Tarija) in a few weeks (we will be there for MY first Carnaval - though the rest of my family is from there).

I can't wait. There are some places (market districts, mostly, and Equipetrol) where she won't take me, but other than that I have never felt the slightest bit threatened nor vervous while there on vacations.

Dec 24, 2011
Bolivia is much safer then many other latin countries
by: Sergio

Bolivia is very diverse when it comes to color of skin. Im Bolivian live in California and I go back every year to La Paz and Santa Cruz. I my self I. Very let skin and even here in the US people think im an American. As much as o love the US. Bolivia is my heart. I have never had a problem with in Bolivia because im white. Bolivia has all kinds of people indigenous, mestizos, Asians, and afro Bolivians, and the white population. I have couple of friends that are Americans and have gone to Bolivia to retire. I would say just do not stick out that and try to impress that you are rich, I've seen that crime has increased on the past years. But as far that goes Bolivia is much safer the other neighboring countries like Peru, Brazil etc
if you have any questions my email is

Apr 02, 2011
by: Anonymous


Feb 16, 2011
you won't regret it
by: Anonymous

I am from Bolivia but I live in the States now. I try to go to my country as much as I can and I have to be honest with you, every time I go there I just see things getting better and better. I actually felt more safe there than what I feel here in the States every day.

I am not saying that you don't have to worry about anything, because just like any other part of the world you have to be careful with some things, but don't let the news or what people say here about South America stop you from visiting this country.

If you have friends there they will be able to tell you which are "good" and "bad" areas, but besides that I don't think there is a reason to not feel safe.

Go to Bolivia, and I'm pretty sure you'll have the time of your life! you'll see how much it changed and how much it's growing. You won't regret it!

Jan 18, 2011
Give me a break
by: Hendrik

Give me a break...

We are a Dutch couple working some three years in Bolivia now in the Santa Cruz area.

Me or my wife never had any problem as to safety. It's true that the Bolivians try to charge you more when your're a tourist. But at the same time they are very relaxed, helpfull, etc.

I did not feel uncomfortable for a single moment here. It's also about YOUR attitude towards the Bolivians. But as far as I have experienced, they are very relaxed people that treat you, the way you treat them.

I went any time all over the place and did not see anything of organized crime, gangs, etc. Like in anywhere in the world you should keep your eyes a little bit open, but I would not even hesitate to go there as a American tourist....

Jun 17, 2010
by: Susan

Hello Garrett,

First, be aware that every country in the world requires an entry visa. One word of caution at the Bolivian border crossing is to not just walk in without having your passport stamped, even though the border crossing guards may be having a break.

Second, there is safety in numbers when travelling anywhere in the world. Your wife sounds lovely and she can be protected if she is with a companion or with a group of people. Don't purposefully encourage vulnerability.

Lastly, learn some Spanish and enjoy the experience.

Jan 24, 2010
right about taxis so-so about safety
by: New Jersey

Susan (below) is right about negotiating taxi fares before you get into a taxi, especially if it's a taxi right off the street. The other (better) option is to call a radio taxi (taxis formally associated with a taxi company) and ask the "centralista" (the operator who answers) how much the taxi driver should charge you for the route you plan to take before he picks you up. When you get out, you hand him the correct amount, thank him and get out. If there's a discussion you just tell him "call the centralista". No big deal. Radio taxis only cost 1-2 bolivianos more than street taxis. As a whole, though, most of us can't even afford a taxi in the US, if you want to see it that way.

I've had 3 women taxi drivers in the time I've lived here. They were pretty brave I think to drive a taxi. But the point is, there are some women drivers. But Susan's right, in general there aren't many. Taxi drivers themselves are frequent victims of crime because they carry money. They don't have glass divisions between the front and back seats like some taxis do in the US.

As to safety, I'd say the world as a whole isn't that safe any more and we all need to take the necessary precautions. We stick out as Americans here, that is true. But as to crime, there is still 10 times more crime in the US than here (actually the US has the highest crime rates in the world). Susan is Canadian so I can't speak to that.

In Bolivia, you know you stick out and you know what kind of crimes you can maybe expect to be a victim of so you can at least try to take some reasonable precautions. In the US you could be shot or raped or mugged in any place at any time with no warning and no idea what to look out for (or why you were chosen). In Jersey I couldn't walk from my front door to my car on the curb without a can of mace in my hand, and I lived in a "good" area. So I think that's relative. But that's just my opinion.

Jan 24, 2010
Is Bolivia Safe for Anyone?
by: Susan

Not just Americans are affected by Bolivian bullies.

I am Canadian and felt the static electricity of male testostorone in the air as soon as my husband and I arrived in Santa Cruz de la Sierra.

I worked at a false-faced school called Cambridge College in Santa Cruz, and learned that two teachers had been beaten by hoolagans very soon before I had arrived. One young teacher was accosted just outside her residence, and another in her car as she drove away from the school.

I didn't feel safe in Santa Cruz de la Sierra. There is a male dominance in the city starting with the high walls covered in barbed wire that surround all of the properties, the male-only driven busses and the male-only driven taxis.

Bolivia is a place where women live, but they are not treated as equals. Ladies, don't wonder the streets on your own, day or night. Plan your excursions with a male escort. Keep your personal possessions tucked away safely on your person.

If you must carry a bag, I would suggest that you carry a non-discript tote across one shoulder and have it drape on the opposite hip.

Eyes wide open!

Jan 23, 2010
its safe
by: Anonymous

bolivia is safe and its NOT true that bolivians hate americans but it is true that people try to charge you more money but thats normal for ANY tourist bolivia is safe friendly and you have alot more freedom people are way more friendlyer den in the us but ofcourse you have to becarfull at night like anywhere else .
and dont believe the news they allways make everything look worse.
i RECOMMEND you to go to bolivia
its calm and it has beutiful weather

Jan 22, 2010
Learn to speak Bolivian!
by: Anonymous

My wife and I traveled through out Bolivia in Feb-March 2009 during carnival.My wife is Bolivian and Speaks spanish very well so that really helps. Iam American.I thought it was safe. But the bus terminal in La Paz I thought was a little risky.Have to be careful just like any other bus terminal in any big city in the U .S.I guess.But there wasn`t a time where I did not feel safe.And we went to copacabana, Oruro, for the parade.Cochabamba,Samipata,and Santa Cruz.We also went To Bolivia (La paz & Santa Cruz)back in 1996 and I thought the people were a little more friendly then then now.But hey, people are people anywhere you go.But it really helps big time if you know spanish or are with someone who does. They seem to try to charge you more if you speak English for some unknown reason. But I would like to go back.

Jan 08, 2010
Don't let the news scare you so much.
by: Anonymous

When you're overseas the news about Bolivia sounds awful. Keep in mind that the news feeds off sensationalism. It wouldn't BE news if there was nothing negative to report.

When you're far away things it's very hard to get a feel for what's really going on. For example, I see news about a demonstration with a picture of hundreds of people marching on a street. Then I call my uncle in Bolivia and he's like "oh yeah, another demonstration" ... stretch...yawn...

The thing is, bad things happen everywhere! Take a look at your local paper or TV news any day in the United States. All you see is murders, rapes, fires, catastrophes. If foreigners were to base their travel decisions on the US news, no one would ever come to the US - we have more crime here than anywhere else in the world - but we're not leaving the US in droves! Are we?

Chances are, your local newspaper contains more scary news than a Bolivian newspaper any day. But you're still living where you live. There is just as much chance of something happening to you in the US than anywhere else.

Bad news is something we all live with. It's true that there is a lot of anti-American government rhetoric coming out of Bolivia and it's true people try to cheat Americans and charge them more for stuff - but that's not news! That's been the same for a hundred years. Besides, you're going to Santa Cruz not La Paz.

Jan 07, 2010
information on the yellow fever vaccination for bolivia
by: BoliviaBella

I did some research for you. We get a LOT of people asking about the yellow fever vaccination requirement for American travelers to Bolivia. Although customs and immigration officials APPEAR to enforce this requirement fairly randomly, it's best to be informed on what yellow fever is, how you get it, the vaccine, how it works, who should and should NOT get the vaccine, and how to get the required certificate showing you've had the shot.

So here's a new page I put up on yellow fever and the vaccine.

Jan 06, 2010
Visa needed if American & $135 !!!
by: M Mederos

My sons just got back from Bolivia and for the first time EVER, they needed visas. However, you can get these at the airport in Bolivia upon arrival, just have the Form [formulario], PASSPORT PHOTOS, and $135 IN CASH PER PERSON!
One of my sons, who was born in Bolivia but has only been an American citizen since a baby, did not have to pay. [They noticed the city of birth on his American passport].
I have heard rumors that ONLY Americans pay for this visa, but have not been able to confirm the rumor...does anyone know?

I would LOVE to go back to Bolivia. It seems to have 'grown' a lot in the past decade.

Jan 06, 2010
No Problem
by: Geddy

In July/August I traveled to Sucre, Tarija, Santa Cruz, Trinidad, and Magdalena. I am an obvious American and my wife is Bolivian. I had no problems whatsoever in any location. I did not feel uncomfortable anywhere. Quite the contrary, I felt more comfortable there than in many other countries I have visited. In Santa Cruz, I felt Americans were very welcome.

Also, I got the Yellow Fever vaccine 2 weeks prior to traveling like the warnings say, but nobody in Santa Cruz airport even checked it.


Jan 06, 2010
Things are chaning for Americans in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

There's no denying it. The Bolivian government is teaching its followers to hate Americans. You won't have any problem in Santa Cruz unless you run into any Masistas. But Americans in La Paz are having a difficult time from what I hear. Lots of "express kidnappings" and like the lady below said, people try to cheat them all the time. Europeans are saying that they get treated bad when people think they are American and then when they find out they are not, they treat them well.

Jan 06, 2010
bolivia tourist visa
by: BoliviaBella

If you're just coming to Bolivia as a tourist, you can get your visa when you arrive at customs, either at the border overland or at the airport if you fly in. It costs $135 per person.

But you can't forget to bring all the requirements with you like the person below said your yellow fever certificate (in most U.S. states you have to contact the Department of Health to get one because it's not commonly used so it's not something they just have on hand and it could take them some time to get one for you).

You can see a full list of the visa requirements on the Bolivian Consulate in Washington D.C. website here. It's in English. I suggest calling them in person. Their secretary speaks English and is pretty helpful.

You can also get your travel visa before you arrive. Why chance getting here and finding you're missing something and be denied a visa when you can get it stamped into your passport by the Bolivian Consulate prior to your trip? Peace of mind.

You can find information on getting visas on our visa page here. Also be sure to take a look at our page just for Americans (the US Embassy regularly posts travel advisories and other information on it).

We also have a page on crime and safety tips here.

Also read our general preparing for your trip and precautions pages. They contain information on how to stay safe while traveling or living in Bolivia, most of it from various government sources.

All of the above pages are found through our Plan Your Trip. Check out what people are saying in our Santa Cruz Forum. Check out our Bolivia Travel Tips page. It's in our Bolivia Forums so all the tips are from other travelers. Here's a page with information on customs and here's another on Bolivian immigration which won't apply to you if you're touring, but will if you ever plan to live here.

Hope this helps.

Jan 06, 2010
by: Anonymous

I am American and my husband is Bolivian. We used to travel to and from Bolivia all the time (about 3 times a year). I have noticed that the tension is getting kinda bad. Each time I go it is a little worse. I have noticed that a lot of people will now try to double charge me for something or will say something kinda mean to me hoping I dont understand Spanish.

I also think it depends on the area you go to though. The only times I have had these bad experiences has been when I was in areas that were more MAS than Autonomist. But we normally are in Santa Cruz.

We have only gone once last year and that was in April. We were there for 3 weeks and overall had a good time. But there was a lot of tensions building. I dont know if we will be going next year because we are starting to get scared. Our son although choco can pass for Bolivian, but I cant.

If you do decide to go you will need a visa, but they will give it to you when you get to Bolivia. You just have to bring everything with you (proof of income, yellow fever vaccine, $$) I dont know what else you will need.

Hope you have a safe trip.

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