I was Adopted from Bolivia. Here I am Now.

by Amanda
(Atlanta, GA )

I was adopted from Bolivia in 1967 by an American couple. I have no clue who my birth parents are and have made attempts to find out through the orphanage (Hogar Villegas) where I was adopted. They have no record either since I was turned over anonymously.

What I do have though, is the piece of paper/document that my parents (adopted ones) signed when they adopted me. It’s almost like having an original birth certificate, a feeling of belonging to Bolivia; a piece of paper that I am from there.

I am a U.S. citizen and have been since I was just a little girl (i’m 50 now). I’ve been back to Bolivia once in my life. I think I was about 10 maybe. I don’t remember much, but I hope to visit again someday.

I will say, it would be nice if I could find out who my birth parents are/were... that would be a gift, but I know it will never happen - impossible.

Thank you to my Mom and Dad for adopting me. I love you very much and I appreciate the life you provided for me here.

Best wishes to everyone,
Atlanta, GA

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Jun 15, 2018
What a touching adoption story
by: Anonymous

So heartwarming to read this.

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