Buying a bike in la paz

by Anna
(La paz)

Hi. We are thinking of buying a bike and riding it down to Argentina. Do you know if it is easy for foreigners to obtain the necessary papers, license plates and so on to do this? Also is it easy to cross the Bolivia-Argentina border with a motorbike?

We were thinking of heading down to salar uyuni then through northern Argentina via San Salvador jujuy salta etc. Does this sound like a good route? Is the salar uyuni easy to do without a guide?

Thanks so much Anna


Estamos pensando de comprando un moto a la paz y conduciendo a Argentina. Sabe si es fácil por un extrañero a comprar un moto, y tener todos los papeles necesario, y los placas? Y sabe si podemos cruzar la frontera de Bolivia -Argentina con un moto.

Estamos pensando de viajando a el salar uyuni y despues a Argentina del norte vía san Salvador Jujuy y salta etc. Que piense de esta route? Es el salar uyuni fácil a navigar sin guía?

Muchas gracias

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Aug 03, 2016
bike stores in La Paz, Bolivia and other cities
by: Anonymous


Jan 07, 2012
some problems
by: James

Hey Im afraid I dont have any definite information on this. I would like to do the same but have heard that some people have had problems crossing the border with the standard tourist 90 day stamp. I think some people have had to turn around and sell their bike in Bolivia before crossing. Something about buying a bike as a foreigner and and not being permitted to export the bike from Bolivia.

How have you got on?


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