Bolivia and the Importance of Underpants - Bolivia for Kids

by Kricket

HELLO! And welcome back to the world famous Bolivia for Kids blog. After my summer-long disappearance (due to school vacation) I have returned bigger, better and more excited than ever to blog EVERY Wednesday until next summer when you won't need me for your school reports. (Stay in school fellow kids. It gives me a job!)

Anyway, to start off the first blog of the school year, I present to you our FIRST, EVER, SURPRISE GUEST, Mikayla from Australia. Mikayla wrote an amazing and hilarious report on Bolivian clothing, packed full of information, fun facts, and my personal favorite, puns!!! (Only topped, of course, by my own jokes. I SHALL ALWAYS BE THE SELF-ELECTED KING OF JOKES. ALWAYS.)

I would like to thank Mikayla for allowing us here at to publish your school report for the world to see. Now Mikayla, say hi to the readers. Oh, um... yeah that's a problem, since you aren't actually here. No worries I'll just talk for you.

So um... I'm going to assume you're saying "HI!!! I'M SO HAPPY TO BE HERE!!!" and maybe "THIS IS THE BEST BLOG EVER!!!" (At least 2 out of 3 of those are true, free points for imagination.)

Anyway! Without further ado, and with no restraint on puns, I give you: Mikayla from Australia's report on Typical Clothing in Bolivia.

I just wanted to say I love this report, a lot! If I were a teacher, I would give it an A++ (The extra plus is for the puns, I love me some puns!) And I think it will get an A+ seeing as though her very own teacher has allowed us to share it. Image Source.

As fun as it has been reading this, and as fun as it has been talking to myself so that tomorrow you will all have a blog to read, it is time for me to go.

So I would like to end with my traditional QUESTION! What color of underwear should you wear if you need more HOPE in your life?! Answer in the comments below. (You'd know the answer if you read her report). Bye, and until next Wednesday!

Submitted 2015-09-01

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Sep 13, 2015
Undies are most important on New Years
by: Kricket

It's true. The information about underwear and their colors and importance are a part of our page on New Years. Maybe it's a magic night!

Sep 02, 2015
On undies...
by: Paul Danielson

Verde! But a question for follow-up...isn't that for new years eve? Or is it whenever you need hope? Our Latino friends in the USA always make a big thing about their undies on New Years eve, but I suppose it might be applicable to every day as well...

I could always use yellow undies, red and green ones apparently already worked! ;)

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