Blessed to have been adopted from Bolivia, but wish to find answers.

by Maria Bradford
(San Diego, CA,USA )

Hello, I was adopted from Hogar de Niños Virgen de Fatima when I was 4 years old from an American family from Alabama. My parents had adopted two other kids before me that were from other countries. They were pretty old when they got me and are almost 80 now that I’m 26. I never acted on the urge to find my birth parents because I was so scared of breaking their hearts. They have shown me more love than most kids could dream of and have provided me the most amazing life with so much possibility and support. The topic is sensitive to them so I dropped it. It has still weighed heavy on me for many years and I feel if I don't try to find answers as to whom I came from I may forever live with regret. With my parents being so old I don’t know how to go about sharing these thoughts but I have already made up my mind that this is the year I finally do something about it. I’m going back to Bolivia for the first time in 22 years with my boyfriend and I plan to give it my all to finding anything I can. So far I’m trying ancestry, seeing if my DNA matches with anyone which I know is a slim chance. All I know so far is that I came to that orphanage from another orphanage up in the mountains as a baby. The wait is over I feel prepared in my heart and mind for what the outcome may be but at least I would have tried.

Any tips on how to go about talking to my parents about this journey I’m about to embark on would be greatly appreciated and also how to go about researching my past and documentations. Should I hire an investigator?

P.s. I recognize that woman in the picture above, she was there with my parents the day they first came to get me. I even have her in homemade adoption video:)

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Jan 20, 2022
I have a daughter adopted from same orphanage in 1999
by: Jan

It was my understanding it would be really difficult to find birth parents in Bolivia.

How was your trip?

As an adoptive parent, I can understand why you would want to understand as much as possible about your origins. It would not offend me.

May 25, 2021
by: Anonymous

How was your trip? I admire your story and courage to find your parents. I see it's been a few years now. I hope you have found answers.

Dec 30, 2019
by: Dina

I’m from Bolivia St.Cruz, una amiga me pasó este link y leí tu historia me gustaría ayudarte. Yo conozco ese hogar, pero como puedo conectarme contigo? Yo hablo inglés-español y vivo en USA-MA pero tengo muchos conocidos en Santa Cruz que tal vez podríamos ayudarte o puedes conectarte con El Padre Octavio. Es el director del Hogar Don Bosco y de los hogares que están alrededor como el Hogar Fátima. Cuéntale tu historia.

Dec 27, 2019
Wish to find parents
by: Carmen

I have a friend who may be able help guide you once you are in Bolivia.
She is in La Paz.
My husband is Bolivian, so we travel back and forth often.
We are in the US at the moment.

You are welcome to email me directly at

Dec 21, 2019
Have you considered that your parents may know something?
by: Carrie

Have your parents actually told you that they don't know who your birth parents are? What if they do? It's not as secretive here in Bolivia and even if they don't know your birth parents' names, they may know something about them that could help you find them, like where they were from. I realize you are afraid to hurt their feelings by letting them know that you're interested in looking for your birth parents, but maybe they'll surprise you and not be as hurt as you think they will? Most adoptive parents know that their adopted children will have questions and may eventually want more answers. Don't assume they won't be open to helping you find them. Of course, only you can know what is right for your family, and you should go by your instincts, not those of strangers like us, but if they gave you as much love and support as you mentioned, they may be more supportive of your search than you think?

Dec 21, 2019
We’ve done it
by: S Gill

My wife shares a similar story to you. After two visits we found her mother and other siblings. She speaks Spanish fluently which helped a lot and had her mother’s name. We may be able to offer you some tips.

Dec 21, 2019
Contacting the Virgen de Fatima Orphanage in Santa Cruz
by: Anonymous

Hogar Virgen de Fatima in Santa Cruz, Bolivia has a web page - You could try to contact them through their "Contacto" page. They may be able to tell you the name of the previous orphanage you were at.

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