Adopting a Godchild- Sponsorship through Christian Children's Fund

by Kris

Our godddaughter, Vanesa

Our godddaughter, Vanesa

Full adoption of a Bolivian child may sound overwhelming to many people who still would love an opportunity to be directly connected to a child or family. The Christian Children's Fund has an excellent record as a support organization in Bolivia and many other countries, and we have been involved sponsoring several children for nearly 10 years now. Our newest Goddaughter is in LaPaz, Bolivia, and we have already exchanged a few letters and are getting to know each other. Our Vanesa is 9 years old and a very good writer; we are communicating in Spanish as I am a bilingual instructor in California. However, all letters are translated to English before they arrive here, so communication through this program is simple.

Our prior experience with other children in the CCF program has been so positive, and we have grown close to our kids and have had some turnover and some long-timers. We hope to develop a great relationship with Vanesa, who lives with her mother and older brother. We will stay in touch here on BoliviaBella as we get to know this child and family. This is our first connection to Bolivia, though we are very familiar with our mexican neighbors, their culture and language. So it's exciting to have Vanesa as our young teacher, and it is inspiring us as professional musicians to work on some Bolivian folk songs, music being the international universal language!

Thanks to all for sharing, and for the opportunity to do the same.
Kris and Bob

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