Where is the most beautiful church in Bolivia?

by David

Hi there. I have a beautiful Bolivian girlfriend and would like to marry her in Bolivia and would like to find the most beautiful church to get married in. Its not going to be a big wedding so we dont want a big church, just something very simple, but in the most pretty surroundings, views scenery etc.

She lives in Cochabamba, which is beautiful in itself, so somewhere near there would be good, however distance is not a problem!

Can you help!? Any photo's website would be greatly appreciated!

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Oct 10, 2011
Same here
by: Anonymous

My husband is Bolivian we go married by the court but now we want to do it right. The prettiest church I have found in cbba is the cathedral in the 14 de septembre plaza I am trying to find out how to contact them. If anyone know please let me know. I am doing this from Texas and never have been to Bolivia.

Jul 07, 2010
Jesuit Missions Churches
by: Anonymous

The cathedrals in the jungle - the Jesuit Missions churches like San Ignacio and Concepcion. None prettier anywhere.

Jun 30, 2010
by: Lee

So how did you wedding turn out? Where did you get married? I lived in CBBA for five years, it is a beautiful city.

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