What is the process to "borrow back" my visa from Immigration?

by Barbara

Hello - I am working my way through the Residency requirements. I currently have a 1 year Residency. I am about to apply for the 2 Year Residency. The application requires that I submit my Passport for processing, and Immigration holds onto my passport for 60 business days. That amounts to, essentially, 3 calendar months.

I anticipate that I may not be able to stay in Bolivia for 3 consecutive months. I have been told that I may "borrow back" my Passport. The clock stops on the processing until I return, but I am able to break up the 3 month stay.

My question is, can anyone tell me what is involved in borrowing back my passport? How much time does the request and actual return of the passport back to me take? Anything else that would be helpful for me to know?

Thank you, in advance, for any advice.

Barbara from Baltimore

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Aug 27, 2012
borrow back passport
by: Rebeca

If you ask the passport the first week after your two year visa application, you would have it the next day.
Later, takes 15 days, because the passport is sent to La paz, in that case it has to be borrowed in advance.
take note.
contact: rebecagonzales@gmail.com

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