Volunteer medical opportunities

by Mary KayThomas
(Jupiter, FL )

Hi...we have been traveling for 20+ yrs to Bolivia (Cochabamba) to offer surgical and medical care to the most indigenous and needy patients. Maybe we could create a link to our website..and see if there are volunteers that would be interested in joining our group..or at least could get the word out that our group will be in the area..so that if there is a patient that needs us, he or she could be sure to be at the place where the screening is done..and perhaps have a procedure done. Our website is..www.mimafoundation.com
I am open to any suggestions that you might have that would make this a service that would benefit the most needy people...
Thanks for this site...Mary Kay Thomas, President of the MIMA Foundation, inc.

Dear Mary Kay

I'd be happy to make a full page on the site for your foundation and link to it from our volunteer page.

I do this for free for ANY organization that brings volunteers to Bolivia and include a link to your website on it as well.

Just email me any text you want, a couple of photos and your logo and I'll have your page up in no time. Contact me through this private contact form and enter your email address so I can send you mine. (This forum is online - the contact form is not).

In addition, please fee free to make use of our Free Events Announcement Page in English or our Free Events Announcement Page in Spanish any time and as often as you like for any Bolivia-related events.

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