The Dark Truth About Chocolate: Bolivia for Kids

by Kricket

So if you're like me, then you either like, love, really love, LOVE, REALLY LOVE or REALLY REALLY LOOOOOOOOOOVE chocolate. But did you know chocolate has a dark secret? Here's today's Bolivia fact of the week.

The Cacao Tree

In the Northeastern region of Bolivia in a state called Beni, grows "wild" chocolate. The truth of chocolate is that it's not made in a factory. Well some of it is, but most of it from Snickers all the way to the well known Hershey's chocolate comes from the cacao tree. The Cacao trees are ancient plants with twisted trunks that are knuckled and pock-marked from old harvests. They produce ripe pods every year between November and March. Image Source

Hey it's March now so this might be your last chance to see the fruit until next year! Come on over to Bolivia. Many people even start their day with a hot cup of it. I had a hot cup of it every day in a restaurant in Tarija when I vacationed there, so I know 100% you MUST taste it.

To get to these forests, first get to Bolivia, and then to Beni. From there no plane can take you any further, you going to need boats, canoes, trucks, jeeps or a motorbike. The chocolate is inside the football-shaped pods that grow in the trees. Image Source.

Here's a great video on how chocolate is made:

The seeds (or beans) of the cacao fruit are toasted until they are a dark brown. Then they are ground into a powder, and sometimes made into a brown paste. And that, chocolate powder, is what is used to make the cocoa we drink or chocolate candies that we eat. Image Source.

So now you know that chocolate secretly originates in trees. I wonder if that makes it technically a fruit, meaning technically it's good to eat. I don't know, maybe tell your new found knowledge to someone and get some chocolate.

Now here's a question. Now that you know chocolate is a fruit and nutritious, will you eat it or never look at it again?

Video source:

Submitted 2015-03-17

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Jun 05, 2015
Fun facts for kids
by: fun facts for kids

waaw wanne be on that chocolate land

Mar 19, 2015
by: Anonymous

In the wild there is a type of jelly like covering around each of the seeds that is very sweet. The people who still live in the jungle make hot chocolate out of the fresh seeds and their sweet covering. It´s the perfect start to a day of Brazil nut gathering in the Amazon Jungle! :)

Mar 19, 2015
I LOVE chocolate! (especially DARK)
by: Maria

I had no idea that chocolate was tropical. But today I learned that it grown in El Beni, and during summertime.

I saw a sort of 'paste' being sold in plastic baggies at the 'mercaditos' in SCZ.

Chocolate is Yummie stuff!

I will make a prediction today.

Some day, you'll go to school at Brown University.

If this actually happens, please remember who told you so first!

Mar 18, 2015
Looks gross!
by: Chloe

Who knew something that looks so gross could taste sooooo good! I'm with you. I LOVE chocolate!

Mar 18, 2015
I had no idea!
by: Anonymous

It's funny how we never stop to think about where things come from. I'll bet people work really hard in Bolivia to produce the chocolate we so lazily enjoy. LOL.

Mar 18, 2015
I agree
by: Anke

You have superb writing skills for your age. And a good sense of humor.

Mar 18, 2015
I like your blog
by: Anonymous

I learn a lot from your blog. I can't believe you're just a kid because your such a good writer.

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