telephone contact details

My son is teaching at the American School in Santa Cruz. I have his cell phone number, but I need your CITY CODE AND COUNTRY CODE in order to make the call. Can you provide this to me, please?

Thank you,
Norman Wooldridge

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Feb 17, 2010
how to call a cellphone in Bolivia from the US
by: BoliviaBella

Dear Norm
In Bolivia all cellphones have 8 digits beginning with the number 7

Because they have 8 digits (instead of 7 digits like landlines) you don't dial the city code when calling a cellphone

To dial a cellphone you use the country code 591 and then the 8-digit cellphone number directly (no city code)

Remember, from the US you also have to first dial 011 before dialing out to any international number

So: 011-591-xxx-xxxxx

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