Sopa de mani (Peanut Soup)

by Alura Gonzales
(Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

Consistency: your peanut paste should not be too watery but no thicker than this

Consistency: your peanut paste should not be too watery but no thicker than this

Sopa de Maní is from Cochabamba. You'll need:
1 Tablespoon peanut oil
1 large onion, cut into a dice
2 carrots, cut into thick rounds
1/2 cup green peas
1/2 cup tomatoes, skinless and cut into a dice
(optional: 1/2 pound raw chicken meat, cut into bite-size pieces)
4 cups beef stock (can be ½ pound of chicken meat, cut into small pieces)
1/2 cup raw peanuts, ground in a blender, Pieces must be very small.
1 and 1/2 medium potatoes, peeled and cut into a dice
Salt and pepper, to taste
Hot pepper sauce, to taste

How it?s prepared:
Heat the oil in a large saucepan over low heat and stir in the onion and carrots. Cook slowly until the onions and carrots are soft, about 10 minutes. Stir in the peas and tomato bits (or chicken pieces, if you?ll substitute meat) and let them cook slowly another 10 minutes, stirring from time to time. Pour in the beef stock, the ground raw peanuts, and the potatoes (or rice). Bring to a boil, then reduce to a simmer, partially cover, and cook without stirring for 30 minutes.

Fry the remaining julienne of potatoes in hot peanut oil until crisp, then remove and drain on paper towels.
When ready to serve, season the soup with salt, pepper, and hot pepper sauce to taste. Ladle into bowls and top with the crisp fried potatoes and a sprinkling of minced parsley. As garnish, sprinkle minced parsley, and a ½ potato cut in a julienne and fried in peanut oil, but the latter is optional.

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Comments for Sopa de mani (Peanut Soup)

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Feb 04, 2018
Not good
by: Norah

I don't know where she got these recipes, because are not good at all! Sorry to say that.

May 02, 2017
Peanut soup
by: Spoon

Can you use almond or almond butter instead of peanut soup?

Dec 21, 2013
Haga Locro
by: Anonymous

Dona Alura:
Le aconsejo se dedique a cocinar un buen Locro Carretero, porque de sopa de mani usted no sabe nada.

Mar 30, 2013
Sorry this not correct!!
by: jennita

Tomatoes? NO!
Big slices of carrots? NO!
Where's the cumin? the cream or milk? the oregano? the garlic? THIS IS WRONG!

Feb 26, 2013
Wrong recipe!
by: Anonymous

This recipe is WRONG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She doesn't know how to cook it. Sorry to say it. Number one, we don't EVER use peanut oil, that is a NO. Number two. We never use tomatoes, it's obvious why: peanut soup is cream color and tomatoes would turn it red which is totally undesirable. Number 3, we never use chilly sauce. It is served a a hot sauce made out of locoto, tomato and quilquina ( a herb) but that is only optional. It is also optional to cook it with a bit of ground aji amarillo (hot yellow chili). Where is the garlic, the onion, the parsley to decorate and some others seasonings? Sorry to say it, but the most acceptable thing written here is that this recipe is original of COCHABAMBA!

Jul 22, 2010
Sopa de mani con macarrones
by: BoliviaBella

Es cierto y es bien rico asi. Gracias por agregar tus comentarios.

Sabías que tú también puedes compartir deliciosas recetas bolivianas en nuestro sitio web? Nos encantaría recibirlas.

Jul 22, 2010
Sopa de Mani
by: criolla

Tambien se puede poner macarrones en la sopa.

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