Site search Bar?

by Martin Powell
(Glasgow, Ky)

Could you get a site search bar? I was telling someone about the Kindle instead of shipping your book collection advice and could not find it again. Also I could not find the advice for a more permanent visa instead of the tourist one I now have. Love the site but would like to find the good bits without hunting and pecking all over again.
Martin Powell Glasgow, Ky.

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Aug 13, 2010
site search bar
by: BoliviaBella

You'll find a site search bar at the bottom of every page on the site. It's black and it says "Google custom search".

Our Kindle article Top 10 Reasons for Expats to Ditch Their Books is in our "Living in Bolivia" forum here.

By the way, the Kindle has dropped in price right now and is way cheaper - BUT it's sold out so you need to put your order in so that when they get restocked it'll be shipped to you right away. You'll see better info on the Kindle on our Expat Website here.

There is a link to our visas page at the top of our home page but you can just click here.

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