SBI sitesell results page....

Hello, I just wanted to tell you I admire your site. I'm a new SBIer and regularly refer to your site as an example. When I first saw your site a few months ago I was perplexed to see it wasn't in the top 200 google listings when I searched "Bolivia" but I see you are on page 1 now. congrats! I was just going to say you should contact Ken to be included on the "SBI results" webpage for SBI sites in the top 1%. You've earned your place! Enjoy the holidays down south. It's FRIGID here in Minnesota, Tony G

In response:
Hi Tony! Thanks for telling me! I'm from MN too - and I don't miss winters at all! OK, except for ice skating. Oh and also I miss the gorgeous sunsets. And spending weekends ice-fishing. OK I do miss it! LOL

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