Rules for getting married in Bolivia?

Hi. I would like to know the rules of marriage as a person with a tourist visa to a Bolivian citizen?

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May 24, 2019
You cannot marry in Bolivia on a tourist visa
by: Anonymous

You cannot get married in Bolivia on a tourist visa. You must enter Bolivia on a Specific Purpose Visa (visa de objeto determinado) indicating that our specific purpose for migrating to Bolivia is to marry a Bolivian national.

The Specific Purpose Visa cannot be obtained upon arrival. It must be obtained at a Bolivian consulate in your country or in a country near yours prior to traveling.

Please note that this visa will only be for 30 days. Once you arrive in Bolivia, you must immediately begin the process of requesting legal residency in Bolivia. You will have only 30 days to begin and complete the process of turning in all the paperwork necessary for that to immigration authorities.

May 23, 2019
Foreign Marriage
by: Anonymous


I am Moroccan and I am planning to get married with an Argentine woman in Bolivia. Is that possible? If yes, what papers do I need to bring me and my spouse to get married?

Best Regards,


Dec 17, 2014
Is it possible to marry in Bolivia by correspondence?
by: Anonymous

Is it true that you can marry in Bolivia by correspondence? I am not sure, but my Bolivian girlfriend has been told it's possible.

Jan 12, 2013
Marriage in Bolivia
by: Tara

The previous poster is correct. If you are on a tourist visa, you won't be able to get married in Bolivia. As was stated, if you are currently in Bolivia, you will need to stop by registro civil to get the current requirements, but to give you an idea of some of the paperwork involved, you will probably need the following, which can prove to be the most time-consuming/difficult to obtain:

1. A specific purpose visa (Visa Objeto Determinado). Please be aware that this visa is only good for 30 days upon entering, so make sure that all of your ducks are in a row BEFORE entering Bolivia on this visa since processing paperwork can take FOREVER.

2. You will need a document to prove that you are single. (No such official document exists in the States, unless you are divorced. You may have to get a little creative.)

3. You will need a fully legalized birth certificate.

For the rest of the requirements, stop by registro civil.

Jan 03, 2013
Getting married in Santa Cruz Bolivia
by: AD

The rules (unless they have changed very recently) are that you CANNOT get married in Bolivia whilst on a tourist visa. Sorry.

Please do a search of this forum to find the previous post detailing the documents you do need to marry a Bolivian citizen in Bolivia.

Alternatively, if you are in Bolivia at the moment you could go to a registry office and ask for their list of requirements.

I married a Bolivian citizen in Bolivia just over a year ago.

The paperwork is a real headache - I won't lie to you about that.

But hopefully we only get married once :) And it will all be worth it.

If you have any more questions please come back to us. Good luck!

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