Renewing Temporary Residency in Bolivia

by Maxwell
(Santa Cruz)

I have a temporary residency visa of two years, that was granted after an extension of a one year temporary residency visa. If I apply for another extension, how long can it be for? I am I eligible for permanent residency? Any information would be appreciated -

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Oct 18, 2014
Dual citizenship with Bolivia

Bolivia currently does allow dual citizenship with most countries. But you also need to be sure YOUR country allows dual citizenship with Bolivia. :)

Oct 18, 2014
dual citizenship?
by: Anonymous

can you be both usa and bolivian citizen?

Feb 01, 2014
Applying for residency in Bolivia

The current order to apply for residency is 1 year, 2 years, indefinite residency. It is no longer necessary to apply for 5 year residency prior to the indefinite.

Jan 25, 2014
1 year, 2 year, 5 year, permanent residency and citizenship in Bolivia
by: Anonymous

Bolivian law requires you to have first 1 year of residency, then renew for 2 years, then renew for 5 years, and then you can apply for permanent residency (residencia indefinida). So your next step is to renew for 5 years.

However, If you've lived in Bolivia continuously for a minimum of 2 years, you can also go the route of applying for Bolivian CITIZENSHIP. Only 2 years of living in Bolivia (without having left the country for more than 90 days at a time) is required to apply for citizenship. If that is something you think you might want to consider.

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