Price for legal help with a visa

Hi. I am about to apply for the visa de objeto determinado. Onfortunately, I am already here on the 90-day tourist visa. I have two questions: Will I have to leave the country on my tourist visa and then re-enter with the visa de objeto determinado?

After getting the visa de objeto determinado, I am thinking of hiring a lawyer to help with the rest of the process, as I work and don't have a ton of time to devote to it. How much have people payed for lawyers to help with this process? I speak Spanish, so I can work with someone who doesn't speak English. Thanks for any advice!

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Feb 08, 2010
price for legal help with a visa
by: BoliviaBella

Hi Anonymous. It's harder and more expensive to correct your having entered with the wrong visa, but not impossible in all cases. Sometimes people have to leave and re-enter. Sometimes immigration applies a fine instead. Depending on what country you are from, it may be less expensive to pay the fine or it may cost less to just go home and re-enter. I'm not sure what country you are writing from.

Immigration makes their decision on a case-by-case basis depending on many individual details regarding your situation. Contact me through the private form on this page and send me your email address so you don't have to discuss the details of your case here online. We'll need to get more details from you and I'll have the lawyer we work with find you the answers you need. She handled a case like this about two months ago, so once she has the details she needs about your case, she'll be able to let you know what you need to do.

Our fees are accessible and don't change much unless your case is extremely complicated for any reason. What could cause your costs to increase would be any fines imposed but those would be paid to immigration, not to us.

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