papas a la huancaina potatoes in creamy peanut sauce

PAPAS A LA HUANCAINA (POTATOES IN CREAMY PEANUT SAUCE) The peanuts provide the protein you would otherwise get from meat, as does the egg. Take a look:


1/2 lb. raw Spanish peanuts, toasted and peeled
8 large peeled boiled potatoes
5 dried chili (red) (use 2 tsp. powdered red chili pepper if that's easier)
1 cup of water
4 cup of milk
1 head of lettuce
1/2 large tomato
2 hard boiled eggs
3 tsp. salt
3 strips of hard white cheese


Put your potatoes in a pot of water to begin boiling while you do the rest:

Blanche the raw Spanish peanuts (Whole Foods etc.) in boiling water for about 1 minute. Set them on a towel and rub them very hard until the outer thin (usually red) skin peels off. Blend them with the milk until you get a think paste.

Fry the dried (dehydrated) jalapeños whole until they begin to turn black (they will smoke a bit) and are toasted. Don't char them! Just toast them a little. When they are nice and toasted put them in a bag and pound on them a little to break them into small pieces (do NOT break them apart with your bare hands and then touch your skin or face or eyes - the residue on your hands could cause your skin or eyes to burn and swell).

In a pot cook the peanut paste, water, ground jalapeños and salt to taste for about 15 minutes until you have a thick creamy sauce.

Line a dinner plate with a clean bed of lettuce. On top place 2-3 whole boiled potatoes. Pour the peanut sauce on top of the potatoes. On one side of the plate place several tomato slices. Next to these place a hard boiled egg, sliced or halved. And next to this place 2-3 strips of hard white cheese (usually a Mexican cheese like queso Cacique (found in US grocery stores) will suffice).

Typically people will eat the entire plate sort of like a salad - you serve the plate with everything whole on it, but each person cuts it all up into a salad - the potatoes and hot peanut sauce are delicious mixed with the eggs, cheese and tomatoes - even if they are hot and the rest of the stuff is not. I like to add a couple of calamata olives or black olives (calamata are the vinagery purple ones you get at Italian delis).

This sauce is also great on grilled steaks, grilled or baked fish, and many other foods!

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