new orleans

by Ron Angeletti

When the hurricane hit New Orleans in 2005, I was asked to volunteer at least 6 months, which I gladly did. While seeking to find bodies, I found a baby floating on a matress just laughing and kicking. She never knew the danger she was in, but I believe the angels of the Lord were with her. I truly want to volunteer my time in Bolivia. If anyone there can help me please write me at, my name is Angeletti.

Ron Angeletti

Comments for new orleans

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Mar 05, 2009
Volunteering in Bolivia
by: Katrina

Hey Ron, that's a really nice story.

I volunteered in Santa Cruz with a company called uVolunteer ( ). All went really well, I got to stay with a host family and some other volunteers while helping at a school teaching english. There are a bunch of different things you can do to help and in a bunch of different cities so check out the website. Also my story is the one called "Head and Shoulders" if you wanted to read a bit about the school.

Good Luck.

Dec 17, 2007
Volunteer Organizations in Bolivia
by: Bella at

Ron, your commitment to helping others is admirable. If you are interested in volunteering in Bolivia, there is a list of organizations throughout Bolivia that send volunteers to different cities. You can work with children, teach English, work with animals, etc. You usually have to go to their website first, then contact them. Check it out - I think you might have missed this page:

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