Need ideas for Christmas presents for a Bolivian woman

by Denise

Hi. Any suggestions as to what I can take for my boyfriend's mum in Bolivia for Christmas? Obviously nothing too heavy & small enough to fit in my case.

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Sep 20, 2014
Thank you for your ideas
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your ideas. This has given me something to think about.

I've been thinking along the lines of a silk scarf or a leather purse. Last time I took her a handmade brooch.

For my boyfriend's sister I am taking a cosmetic bag with a mirror compact which both have pictures of London. She asked me to bring a mobile phone last year.

I like the idea of a book. Thank you.

Aug 31, 2014
Christmas gift ideas for your boyfriend's mom
by: Anonymous

Cellphones, tablets, music players, and other electronics are VERY expensive in Bolivia and Bolivians are absolutely thrilled when someone brings them something like that, even if they are small.

But basically, anything that is either not available in Bolivia or is extremely expensive in Bolivia makes a good gift. High quality brand name cosmetics, perfumes and nice, good quality clothing is also a nice option because they are also expensive here.

What she might appreciate the most, though, is something unique and typical from your country that tells her more about you and where you come from... like a great photography book, or some music.

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