Need Help- Very Home Sick Fiance!

by Kate
(Florida- USA)

Hello, My name is Kate, I only speak English and so does my fiance Joe. He is currently in Bolivia for work building a power plant and is incredibly home sick!! I have heard that the country is very strict with their rules of shipping and I would like to send him a care package. Does anyone know what I can or can not send him in a care package? (I was thinking baked goods, pictures, etc.) - if not, does anyone know where I could find out the rules on what I am allowed to send / not send?

Thanks so much for any help!!

Comments for Need Help- Very Home Sick Fiance!

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Nov 17, 2011
Don't use DHL
by: Anonymous

dont use DHL they will delay it in customs and charge you more money. best bet is to send it through post office and there is a decent chance it will go straight to him. maybe you will be lucky.

Oct 31, 2011
How is Joe?
by: Anonymous

Wondering how Joe is doing and if he is still homesick? And does he need any help with anything?

Oct 17, 2011
expat meet-ups in santa cruz
by: BoliviaBella

You might want to suggest your fiance join our expat group. We try to meet once a month. If he's interested he can sign up to get our invites at We usually meet near the end of the month and our next meet is in the planning now.

Also, are you aware there is now free video chatting through facebook? You can now connect your skype account to facebook and chat with all your facebook contacts in either one - free.

If you send him something, take into account that it will pass through customs and he may have to pay to clear it from customs, so don't send anything too expensive.

Oct 16, 2011

Kate, what part of the US are you in and what part is your fiance working in Bolivia? I will be going there this weekend and possibly I can help. If you have a number or email so that I may speak to you that also would be helpful. It is fairly simple to mail packages via the bus-lines after arriving in Bolivia. My email is

Oct 16, 2011
by: nancy

yah, what city? read up on 'culture shock'... there has been interesting studies that show a peak of 'homesickness' after 3 months and then again after a year at site... having done the peace corps (in boivia btw).. I found it true and helpful. He should try to embrace the awesome experience for what it is, because it will not last forever... we found that after 2 years, most volunteers did not want to return to the states...

Oct 16, 2011
2 suggestions for sending love and care via technology
by: Teresa NY-SCZ

I am soooo very sorry to hear that your one-love is homesick, that is terrible, I know!

In 7-11 stores they sell inexpensive phone cards, like $2 for an hour. You can buy one and call his cell phone if he is not in a remote area.

Another suggestion is using Skype. Skype is free and relatively easy to set up. You both need to have Internet coverage. You can at least chat and if you both have webcams you can actually see eachother and talk live.

I hope you can use these suggestions.

Oct 16, 2011
by: Anonymous

Kate, its hit and miss. I used to live in Bolivia. I got things sent to me all the time. Baked goods not a good idea as it can take awhile in the system. DHL works about the best to get things to and from.

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