Need a supplier for dried llama fetus from Bolivia

by kev
(united kingdom)

hi, im in london uk and looking for a supplier of dried llama fetus in bolivia to send / post to united kingdom. if you can help or know somebody who can please email me
thanks in advance
cash waiting
any amount considered from 1-200 llama fetus

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Aug 17, 2014
Dare I ask
by: Anonymous

Dare I ask what you want with 200 fetuses in the UK?

If you are interested in killing some time have a look at the link here

Oct 04, 2013
by: Lamma Fetus

I know you want me

Jan 12, 2013
Slaughter hundreds of llamas?
by: Anonymous

Are you seriously suggesting someone slaughter 200 llamas so that you can have their fetuses? That's sick.

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