Moving to Bolivia to be with Bolivian Fiance.

by Mary

My situation is as follows: my fiance has recently had to move back to Bolivia for immigration purposes and I would like for me and our child to move down there with him. How do I go about getting like a permit or visa or does anyone know what I need to be able to live in this country? My daughter and I are both US citizens. Any good advice????:/

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Jun 07, 2011
been there done that..
by: Jo

...however im from EU country..i could give you few good tips as i been in that situation a while ago and it was not straight forward. email me on

May 20, 2011
Visa to Bolivia
by: Anonymous

Hi Ms. Thans for your post.
To move to Bolivia first you have to enter the country with a special purpose visa, you will get it in your country in any Bolivian consular agency around your country. They will need some proof of your activity here (work contract, business if any, bank account)
Also you have to authenticate the birth certificate of your child in the Bolivian embassy or any consular agency.
Best regards

Rebeca Gonzales
Cel 7788 2222

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