Matt Pepe, Volunteer and Founder of the Artificial Limbs Center

by BoliviaBella
(Santa Cruz, Bolivia)

Matt Pepe, of the US, spent four straight years touring the world before he arrived in Bolivia. Here he decided to settle for a bit to learn some Spanish. After volunteering at a government-run clinic, he founded the Artificial Limbs Center in collaboration with the La Paz San Pedro Rotary Club. We interviewed him for our May 2011 BoliviaBella E-zine.

Matt told us, "I knew absolutely nothing about the subject of my work. My background is in software engineering and my degree is in Electrical Engineering... Dream big and then GO FOR IT!! You can do more than you can possibly imagine! I have found that a person can do almost ANYTHING if they put their mind and dedication to it." Read more here.

Comments for Matt Pepe, Volunteer and Founder of the Artificial Limbs Center

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Jan 11, 2012
Donating to Matt's Clinic
by: Mike Britton

Matt, I stumbled across you while researching opportunities to donate funds towards prosthetic limbs in Bolivia. We are a well established fitness based company that originated in Australia. Part of our ethos is giving back. We want that gift to be in the area of donating funds to creating movement for others by donating towards prosthetics. For some reason I was drawn towards Bolivia. If anyone reads this who has access to matt pls forward my email and our company url is

Oct 27, 2011
Proud of you Brother
by: Elizabeth

Matt: So excited to follow the updates here. It looks as if all your hard work is paying off, and that the clinic will continue onward. I hope that the volunteers keep coming, and that some of them get infected with that "giving to the community" bug that bit you and kept you there for a few years. I look forward to updates on new technology as it makes its way to the Matt Pepe clinic. Kudos to Dante and Yvonne as well for helping keep the dream alive.

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