Links are not working

Hi Boliviabella, I was looking into your pages on Visa and I noticed most links are not working. Fe the country groups 1-3 & where you have to apply for visum.

Also tried some other links on your pages (webmaster form) and this is not working too.

Hope you can change it!

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Jul 23, 2010
Links are not working
by: BoliviaBella

Thanks Jo. On the visa page we noticed that just a few days ago the Foreign Affairs Ministry made some changes to their website and have not reloaded those pages. We're not sure if they will be reloading this information or if they've taken the pages down permanently, so we've waited a bit to take down our links.

We really appreciate that you contacted us. We'll take a look at the Webmaster form. It's a huge site! What would we do without helpful visitors like you?

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