Legal advice for business start-up?

by Antonio Luis
(Barcelona, Spain, EU)

Hi, Congratulations. Nice and superb website. I found more about Bolivia than in spanish websites!!If Evo didnt stay for longer in Isla del Sol december,21, i want to make some Business in Bolivia, about computers and internet IPS.

How can I get legal advice for business in Bolivia for my star-up?? Sure there are great "gringos" lawyers bureau, but expensive at the begining. Do you have any contact to get legal advice now and after set up??

Thanks in advance and if you need any good (used) computer my container will arrive to Chile at the begining of next year!!

Best Reagards,
Antonio Luis de Francia

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Dec 08, 2012
Legal advice for business
by: Rebeca

How to start Business in Bolivia?
Requirements and other?
Experienced english - spanish spoken Attorney at Law in santa Cruz Bolivia.
Further information, please contact us:
mobile : 7788 2222

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