Latest news on tourist visa?
by David
(Los Organos Peru)
Me in Peru 1956
Can anybody relate what has happened when they arrived in Bolivia and applied for a visa at the point of entry? My wife and I live in Peru (see and are leaving for Bolivia at the end of this week. Our daughter is getting married in April so we will spend about a month in our old stomping grounds, Cochabamba.
We have our local letter of invite and current US passports and 4 inch photos but... There is no consulate near here anywhere. Also, we are traveling 3 hours by bus to a bigger city tomorrow (Piura) to see if we can get the international yellow fever shots. Has anyone been asked for that certificate on entry to El Alto airport? We never got one in the past and were never asked for one.
Any recent experiences would be helpful, although we know things are different depending on who you get at the airport and what kind of a mood they're in. But please share!
From a fellow SBIer