La Recoleta Boulevard in Cochabamba Bolivia

La Recoleta is a chapel in Cochabamba, Bolivia. To the right of the chapel you'll find Boulevar Recoleta, a walkway lined with restaurants, karaokes and pubs that is one of the more popular nightlife spots in Cochabamba.

On this particular trip I was only in Cochabamba for a few hours, so my visit to La Recoleta this time was limited to a short walk around the area. However, I took this walk with my cousin who is a native of Cochabamba after meeting her at the Cinecenter just two blocks away. She pointed out and described for you, the various restaurants and pubs you'll find here:

Casa de Campo: said to be one of the best restaurants in Cochabamba to try typical Bolivian food. Cochabambinos are known for cooking really really good food, and for serving it in extra plentiful helpings.

Liverpool Pub: said to be a pretty popular night spot among young people and teens.

Chifa Lai Lai: this large Chinese restaurant, she tells me, has so much clientele they had to open a second Chifa Lai Lai - and sure enough, there the end of the boulevard is the second one.

Churrasqueria Tunari: Bolivia is known for its "churrasquerias" (steakhouses). A good place, according to my cousin, to enjoy both Bolivian and Argentine beef.

Business: Nope, leave business behind. This is a café pub that sometimes brings in live music.

La Estancia: another good steakhouse.

Vinoppolis Tapas y Vinos: this Spanish-style restaurant offers tapas (Spanish appetizers) and numerous types of wine.

There is also a karaoke and a couple of other pubs which, according to my cousin, are not worth either mentioning or visiting. However, take a walk around Boulevar Recoleta and judge for yourself.

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