Introducing the New Bolivia for Kids Blog!

by Kricket

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia

Hey guys my name is Kricket. has been online for 7 years now, I will be starting a new Bolivia for Kids blog. I’m planning a bunch of fun ways to learn about Bolivia online. Together we’ll be finding out about Bolivian history, music, food, people, culture, and many more things. You can write your own comments and suggestions to let me know what you’d like to see me blog about. Follow me on Pinterest too!

Submitted 2015-01-09

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Jan 13, 2015
How do I list your website as a source
by: Sam Antha

I have to do a bibliography and I don't know how to cite a website and I used yours for almost the whole report.

Jan 12, 2015
What schools are like in Bolivia
by: Kricket

@Anonymous: You commented asking what Bolivian schools are like. Here are my answers. Keep in mind some of these come from personal experience.

Do you have to know Spanish?
In public schools yes but in some private schools they do have courses in English.

Do you get recess?

What kind of sports do you play?
Our main sport is soccer, but at some schools you can also play basketball, volleyball, tennis, swimming, and others. What you can't find at most schools in Bolivia is baseball or softball.

Do they serve good food in the lunchroom?
Personally the schools I have gone to end before lunch so I haven't had a lunchroom. In Bolivia, school is only 5-6 hours a day. Some kids study in the morning and then they go home and other kids study at the same school during the afternoon. It's like two shifts.

Is there a lot of bullying?
Like in any other school there might be bullies.

Is it easy to make friends?
Depends. Not all kids are the same you know.

Is it true that you have to wear uniforms?
I'm afraid so in both public schools and private schools but there are some foreign schools where you don't need a uniform.

Did they give you a lot of homework?
Personally in my schools yes.

If you want to know more about Bolivian schools visit our section on education in Bolivia. We also have a special page for those who might be attending school in Bolivia as foreign exchange students.

Jan 10, 2015
Where to buy paper maps of Bolivia
by: Kricket

Hi Anika: We actually have some maps of Bolivia in our website shop. Hope at least one of these helps. To see the maps available, CLICK HERE. (Note: they ship from the United States to you).

Jan 09, 2015
Easy Bolivian food for kids to make
by: Pavel

I have to make some Bolivian food but it has to be something that's easy for kids to cook because I have to show the recipe that I used and I have to make it myself and then I have to take it to school so my teacher can eat it. She said the kids don't get to try any of it but I have to take it anyway so that they can see what it looks like so what's your favorite food and can you send me a recipe of it? And also it can't be anything with nuts ok thanks.

Jan 09, 2015
Maps of Bolivia
by: Anika

I need some good maps of Bolivia. Like real paper maps not online maps.

Jan 09, 2015
What is school like in Bolivia?
by: Anonymous

I would like to know what Bolivian schools are like. Do you have to know Spanish? Do you get recess? What kind of sports do you play? Do they serve good food in the lunchroom? Is there a lot of bullying? Is it easy to make friends? Is it true that you have to wear uniforms? Did they give you a lot of homework?

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