Internet access in Sucre

by John

Hello, I want to move to Sucre and live there for a year. My question is, can i have 24 hours Internet access in my house? what type of Internet is available there? and how much do they cost monthly?
I work online and i do need internet to live.

Thank you

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Nov 04, 2015
by: Anonymous

good post

Dec 13, 2012
Internet Access
by: Benjamin Flynn

HI John,

You certainly can get 24 hour internet access here in Sucre. I live here and run a web design business from my house in the city.

You have a number of options available:

ADSL - Entel and COTES offer ADSL but it isn't readily available. If you can get it, it costs around 400bs ($60) per month for around 1-2mb speed and unlimited data.

WIMAX - A few of the operators offer this - I would steer clear it is expensive and really slow.

3G - most people use this. TIGO, ENTEL, VIVA all offer various packages, I currently use TIGO. You have to buy a 3G modem for about $40 I think, I have forgotten it was a while ago, and then the best package is 350bs ($50) per month for 20GB at somewhere around 1MB/s.

TIGO also offer a pretty cool deal right now for 3bs per day you get 300mb of data. So I have a modem set up at home connected to a wifi router and then the 3bs a day on my smartphone. Works a treat.

It's never fast, but its ok, you can work with it.

Regards Ben

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